Next: Node_specifications Prev: How_to_section Up: Sectioning Top: Top The `\sectiontype' and `\sectionref' commands

Another annoying thing with LaTeX sectioning is to type `Section~\ref{foo}' only to have `foo' turn out to be a "chapter" (not a "section"). In this system, you can type `\sectiontype{Node-name}' and the type of the sectioning command at node `Node-name' (e.g., "chapter," "section") will be inserted [any unit below sections will be called "section"]. To have the inserted text be capitalised, use `\Sectiontype{Node-name}'.

For the common idiom, `\sectiontype{Node-name}~\ref{Node-name}', you may use `\sectionref{Node-name}' (similarly for `\Sectionref'). [I use this all the time. --WDP]