- PD Dr. Andreas B. Meyer (CV)
- andreas.meyer@desy.de
- DESY, 01b/O2.211, Notkestr. 85, 22603 Hamburg, Germany, +49 40 8998 9 3136
- CERN, 40-1-A15, Geneva, Switzerland, +41 75411 2302
- Scientific Associate, CERN, 09/2020-08/2021
- Interim Professor, KIT, 04/2016-09/2017 - Webpage with Lectures
- Scientific Associate, CERN, 08/2014-07/2015
- Scientific Associate, CERN, 11/2007-01/2009
- Staff Scientist, DESY, since 2005
- Privatdozent, Hamburg University, since 2005
- Research Assistant (C1), Hamburg University, 2000-2005
- Feodor-Lynen Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1998-1999
Research and Leadership
- CMS Physics Coordinator, 09/24-08/26
- CMS DESY deputy team leader, since 02/23
- CMS Publication Committee deputy chair, 09/21-08/24
- ECFA Higgs Factory WG1 subgroup convener, since 05/22
- CMS Physics Performance and Dataset, PPD (L1), 09/19-08/21
- Steering group of the Workshop on the physics of HL-LHC, and perspectives at HE-LHC, since June 2017
- CMS Top Quark Physics Analysis Group convenor (L2), 01/14-12/15
- CMS Top Quark Cross Sections subgroup convenor (L3), 01/12-01/13
- DESY CMS-Group Physics Analysis coordination, 03/10-01/18
- CMS Data Quality Monitoring and Certification, 03/07-08/10
- H1 Heavy Quark Analysis Group convenor, 2003-2007
- H1 Physics Analysis Software development and commissioning, 2001-2003
- BaBar L1 drift chamber trigger, 1998-1999
- R&D of GEM Detectors, 1998-1999
- CMS BRIL Institution and Resource Boards, member since 2016
- CMS BPH/TOP Publication Committee, member, 2016-2021
- CMS career committee, member, 2012-2017
- German delegate to Advisory Committee of CERN Users (ACCU), 2012-2015
- DESY scientific committee (WA), elected member, 2012-2013
- H1 Physics Board, since 2012
- Chair, DESY Physik Seminar, 2010-2012
- Chair and Initiator, LHC Physics Discussions, 2010-2012
- Chair, DESY Computing Seminar, 2005-2007
- Chair, Seminar on Electron Scattering, 2000-2005
Selected Publications, Reviews and Talks
- CMS Publications with substantial contributions from DESY
- Lecture: Statistical Methods in Particle Physics Data Analysis, DESY, Introduction to the Terascale
[March 23] [March 24]
- Top and Electroweak Physics, QCD@LHC, 28 Nov - 2 Dec 2022, Orsay, France [slides]
- Lecture: Statistical Methods in Particle Physics Data Analysis, KSETA Topical Courses 12-25 February 2022
[Part 1: Probabilities and Confidence Intervals] [Part 2: Multivariate Analysis and Unfolding] [codesnippets] User: Students pw: only
- CMS Luminosity Measurement, Korea CMS, monthly seminar @ CERN, 22 Sept 2021 [slides]
- Lecture: Statistical Methods in Particle Physics Data Analysis, KSETA Topical Courses 1-12 March 2021
[Part 1: Probabilities and Confidence Intervals] [Part 2: Multivariate Analysis and Unfolding] [codesnippets] User: Students pw: only
- Physics with LHC Run-3 and HL-LHC, German CMS Meeting, KIT, 13 Sept 2019
- Physics at the HL-LHC, LFC19, Trento, 9 Sept 2019, [slides], [writeup]
- Publications on the Physics at the HL- and HE-LHC [CERN Yellow Report 2019]
- CMS Notes on Luminosity Measurements (since 2016)
22 Publications
37 Conference Notes
from the CMS TOP group during my convenorship 2014-2015
- Physics at the HL-LHC, GK Seminar, Aachen
- Physics at the HL-LHC, Terascale Meeting 2018 and DESY Seminar, DESY, 27 Nov 2018
- Workshop Summary, HL/HE LHC Meeting, 4-6 April 2018, Fermilab
- CMS Physics Highlights, CMS Germany Meeting, 4 October 2017
- Top Quark Physics Physics in Collision (Prague), 5 Sept 2017 (talk also presented at seminars at UCL and KIT, 12 and 13/9)
- Top Quark Physics at Run-II - Results, Prospects, Challenges, Wine and Cheese Seminar, FNAL, 4 June 2016
- The Large Hadron Collider, Harvest of Run 1
Springer Book 2015,
- Top Quark Properties, invited talk,
Lepton-Photon LP2015
- Top Quark Physics results from CMS,
HQL 2014
- Highlights in Top Physics from CMS,
LC 2013
- Top Quark Production,
Physics in Collision PIC2012
- Heavy Quark Production at HERA (Habilitation thesis)
- Heavy quarkonium: progress, puzzles, and opportunities
Eur.Phys.J. C71 (2011) 153
- Quarkonium physics at the dawn of the LHC era
CERN courier article
- Report on Heavy Quarkonium
- 6 conference proceedings about Data Quality Monitoring in CMS
- 4 publications with the BaBar trigger group
- About
500 other publications with the CMS Collaboration
- More than 150 publications with the
H1 Collaboration
- 41 publications with the
BaBar Collaboration
Supervision and Thesis Assessment
- I have supervised or have been directly involved in the supervision of more than 40 Ph.D. students.
- I have been referee of about 30 Ph.D. theses and/or defenses, at Hamburg U., KIT and several other universities.
Further Links
Last update: Feb 2020