Next: Experimental Results from HERA-I
Up: Experimental Methods
Previous: Relative Transverse Momentum Distribution
Like most modern colliders, HERA produces a large total interaction
rate which exceeds the readout rate and data storage capabilities of
the H1 and ZEUS detectors and necessitates the use of a
sophisticated trigger system to select the physics events of interest.
The trigger systems, as described in section 4
are complex multi-channel and multi-layer
trigger and filter systems, which are optimized to maximize the
statistics of selected physics processes, while suppressing
beam backgrounds and downscaling the high-rate
-scattering processes with no particular final state
The majority of heavy quark events is produced in the kinematic region
of small transverse momenta
and small photon virtualities
. This kinematic region is of particular interest as
the various scale variables
are of small and/or similar size.
The total cross section in this region is dominated
by processes with light quarks. Experimentally,
particle identification is difficult and beam backgrounds are abundant.
Triggering events with heavy quarks is particularly challenging
as the effective rate of events with identifiable final state signatures
is suppressed by the relatively small heavy quark
production cross sections, the subsequent branching
ratios, and the experimental acceptance limitations.
Typical trigger conditions used to collect events with heavy
quarks implement a number of conditions in order to
achieve reasonable purity of the triggered data samples and
acceptably low rates.
The efficiencies for heavy flavour triggers strongly depend
on the physics channel (i.e.event selection) and range
for low-multiplicity events (e.g.
in photoproduction to
in electroproduction.
In both experiments H1 and ZEUS, triggering relies heavily on the
evaluation of information from the tracking and calorimeter devices.
The ZEUS trigger algorithms are more calorimeter-based,
exploiting the excellent time resolution of the calorimeter,
while that of H1 emphasizes tracking algorithms for
reconstruction of the interaction vertex.
Several detector components are used
for the suppression of backgrounds from cosmic rays or beam gas interactions
and for the identification of events with particular final states:
- The fast calorimeters (those with time resolution
1 ns)
are used to select
events based on the arrival time of the scattered
electron signal (H1) or all final state particles (ZEUS).
Out-of-time backgrounds are further suppressed by veto-conditions
using coincidences of signals in scintillator counters
situated along the beam pipe.
At ZEUS, the shaping, sampling, and pipelining algorithms
permit the reconstruction of shower times with respect to the
bunch crossings with a resolution of better than 1 ns. The timing information
provides essential rejection against upstream beam-gas interactions.
- The H1 first level track trigger makes use of proportional
chambers and drift chambers to determine the number of tracks,
the event vertex position and the time.
The central proportional chambers are used for fast
reconstruction of the position of the interaction vertex in
and of the time of the interaction.
The main purpose of this trigger is the suppression of proton beam
backgrounds which produce tracks from vertices outside the interaction
region. Furthermore, the trigger is used to estimate the event
The trigger information is based on combinations of pad signals
of the proportional chambers from which track directions are inferred
using look-up tables. 16 histograms (one for each
containing the
-positions of the tracks extrapolated to the beam axis
are combined in a
-vertex histogram which is used to determine
the position of the vertex in
. The
-vertex trigger provides trigger
elements to the L1 system, encoding significances and multiplicities of the vertex
information, and more detailed information to the L2 system.
The H1 drift chamber trigger finds charged tracks in the
Drift time patterns from digitized hits in several layers (with wires
parallel to the beam axis) are compared to predefined masks to determine
kinematic properties of the tracks. The charge of the tracks can be measured
and several transverse momentum thresholds, configurable in value, are used
to classify tracks and to count track multiplicities.
The system is optimized for the measurement of tracks from the interaction
region and thus suppresses backgrounds due to beam-wall interactions
or cosmic ray particles.
At ZEUS, the drift chamber trigger alone
determines the number of tracks and whether
they originate from the interaction region. This is done
by applying lookup tables to two dimensional projections of the
coordinates of the hits in the central and forward track detectors.
The rate reduction is obtained by the rejection of beam backgrounds and
the downscaling of inclusive electron-proton scattering events with
no particular final state signature for events with
- The muon triggers use signals from the
inner drift chambers and signals in the instrumented iron
of the central muon detector.
The H1 muon detector trigger is segmented into several modules.
Coincidence of hits in several layers of the same module
lead to a positive trigger signal from the muon systems.
At ZEUS a muon track candidate in the central drift chamber with
one or more hits in the muon chambers can be validated
by energy in the calorimeter above a threshold of 460 MeV.
Next: Experimental Results from HERA-I
Up: Experimental Methods
Previous: Relative Transverse Momentum Distribution
Andreas Meyer