The beauty measurements performed with HERA-I data were
drastically limited by statistics.
It can be estimated that the structure function
can be measured at a four times better accuracy than with HERA-I, i.e.
at an experimental uncertainty of better than 10% in the range of
At this precision the data can help to constrain the theoretical
predictions for the charm and beauty components to the inclusive cross section
which is presently most precisely measured from scaling violations of
the inclusive structure function
Beauty production in channels with exclusive final states, such as
need to be
repeated at higher precision and in a larger kinematic range.
Double differential measurements might help to isolate those
regions in which the description of the data possibly breaks down.
It can be expected that the measurement of the process
becomes statistically feasible.
With the silicon vertex detectors the lifetime distribution
can be used to separate contributions from the process
of prompt