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S. I. Alekhin et al. [HERA and COMPAS Groups Collaboration],
``Compilation Of Cross-Sections. 4. Gamma, Neutrino, Lambda, Sigma, Xi, And K0(L)
Induced Reactions'' CERN-HERA-87-01
- 2
- S. Aid et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Nucl. Phys. B 472 (1996) 32 [hep-ex/9604005].
- 3
- C. Adloff et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Z. Phys. C 72 (1996) 593 [hep-ex/9607012].
- 4
- C. Adloff et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Nucl. Phys. B 545 (1999) 21 [hep-ex/9812023].
- 5
- C. Adloff et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 528 (2002) 199 [hep-ex/0108039].
- 6
- A. Aktas et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Eur. Phys. J. C 38 (2005) 447 [hep-ex/0408149].
- 7
- A. Aktas et al. [H1 Collaboration],
contributed paper 5-0162, International Conference
on High Energy Physics (ICHEP04), Beijing, China, 2004.
- 8
- A. Aktas et al. [H1 Collaboration],
contributed paper 5-0163, International Conference
on High Energy Physics (ICHEP04), Beijing, China, 2004.
- 9
- A. Aktas et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Submitted to the XXII International Symposium on Lepton-Photon
Interactions at High Energy, June 30-July 5, Uppsala, Sweden, Abstract 406.
- 10
- A. Aktas et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Submitted to the XXII International Symposium on Lepton-Photon
Interactions at High Energy, June 30-July 5, Uppsala, Sweden, Abstract 407.
- 11
- M. Derrick et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 349 (1995) 225 [hep-ex/9502002].
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- J. Breitweg et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 401 (1997) 192 [hep-ex/9704011].
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- J. Breitweg et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 407 (1997) 402 [hep-ex/9706009].
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- J. Breitweg et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Eur. Phys. J. C 6 (1999) 67 [hep-ex/9807008].
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- J. Breitweg et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Eur. Phys. J. C 12 (2000) 35 [hep-ex/9908012].
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- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Phys. Rev. D 69, 012004 (2004) [hep-ex/0308068].
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- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 565 (2003) 87 [hep-ex/0302025].
- 18
- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 590 (2004) 143 [hep-ex/0401017].
- 19
- ZEUS Collaboration,
Submitted to the 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP02,
2002, Amsterdam, Abstract 786.
- 20
- ZEUS Collaboration,
contributed paper 564, International Europhysics Conference
on High Energy Physics (EPS 2003), Aachen, Germany, 2003.
- 21
- ZEUS Collaboration,
Submitted to the 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP02,
2002, Amsterdam, Abstract 778.
- 22
- ZEUS Collaboration,
Submitted to the 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics,
ICHEP04, August 16, 2004, Beijing, Abstract 5-0332, 11-333.
- 23
- ZEUS Collaboration,
Submitted to the 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics,
ICHEP04, August 16, 2004, Beijing, Abstract 5-0344, 11-345.
- 24
- ZEUS Collaboration,
Submitted to the 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics,
ICHEP04, August 16, 2004, Beijing, Abstract 5-0347, 11-348.
- 25
- ZEUS Collaboration,
Submitted to the XXII International Symposium on Lepton-Photon
Interactions at High Energy, June 30-July 5, Uppsala, Sweden, Abstract 264.
- 26
- ZEUS Collaboration,
Submitted to the XXII International Symposium on Lepton-Photon
Interactions at High Energy, June 30-July 5, Uppsala, Sweden, Abstract 266.
- 27
- S. Aid et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Nucl. Phys. B 472 (1996) 3 [hep-ex/9603005].
- 28
- C. Adloff et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Eur. Phys. J. C 10 (1999) 373 [hep-ex/9903008].
- 29
- C. Adloff et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Eur. Phys. J. C 25 (2002) 25 [hep-ex/0205064].
- 30
- C. Adloff et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Eur. Phys. J. C 25 (2002) 41 [hep-ex/0205065].
- 31
- J. Breitweg et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Z. Phys. C 76 (1997) 599 [hep-ex/9708010].
- 32
- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Eur. Phys. J. C 27 (2003) 173 [hep-ex/0211011].
- 33
- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
- 34
S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
contributed paper 569, International Europhysics Conference
on High Energy Physics (EPS 2003), Aachen, Germany, 2003.
- 35
- J. Breitweg et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 481 (2000) 213 [hep-ex/0003018].
- 36
- C. Adloff et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 467 (1999) 156 [hep-ex/9909029]; [Erratum-ibid. B 518 (2001) 331].
- 37
- ZEUS Collaboration,
Submitted to the 30th International Conference on High Energy Physics,
ICHEP00, July 27, 2000, Osaka, Abstract 853.
- 38
- ZEUS Collaboration,
Submitted to the 29th International Conference on High Energy Physics,
ICHEP90, July 23, 1998, Vancouver, Abstract 772.
- 39
- J. Breitweg et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Eur. Phys. J. C 18 (2001) 625 [hep-ex/0011081].
- 40
- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Phys. Rev. D 70 (2004) 012008 [hep-ex/0312057].
- 41
- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 599 (2004) 173 [hep-ex/0405069].
- 42
- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
- 43
- A. Aktas et al. [H1 Collaboration],
to appear in Eur. Phys. J. C., [hep-ex/0411046].
- 44
- A. Aktas et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Eur. Phys. J. C 41 (2005) 453 [hep-ex/0502010].
- 45
- A. Aktas et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Submitted to the 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP04, August 16, 2004,
Beijing, Abstract 5-0760.
- 46
- A. Aktas et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Submitted to the XXII International Symposium on Lepton-Photon
Interactions at High Energy, June 30-July 5, Uppsala, Sweden, Abstract 385.
- 47
- A. Aktas et al. [H1 Collaboration],
submitted to Phys. Lett. B, 03/05, hep-ex/0503038.
- 48
- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
contributed paper 575, International Europhysics Conference
on High Energy Physics (EPS 2003), Aachen, Germany, 2003.
- 49
- ZEUS Collaboration,
Submitted to the 30th International Conference on High Energy Physics,
ICHEP00, July 27, 2000, Osaka, Abstract 854.
- 50
- ZEUS Collaboration,
contributed paper 497, International Europhysics Conference
on High Energy Physics (EPS 2001), Budapest, Hungary, 2001.
- 51
- A. Aktas et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 588 (2004) 17 [hep-ex/0403017].
- 52
- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Eur. Phys. J. C 38 (2004) 29 [hep-ex/0409033].
- 53
- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 591 (2004) 7 [hep-ex/0403051].
- 54
- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 610 (2005) 212 [hep-ex/0501069].
- 55
- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 545 (2002) 244 [hep-ex/0206020].
- 56
- S. Chekanov et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
Nucl. Phys. B 672 (2003) 3 [hep-ex/0307068].
- 57
- C. Adloff et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Phys. Lett. B 520 (2001) 191 [hep-ex/0108047].
- 58
- A. Aktas et al. [H1 Collaboration],
contributed paper 6-0178, International Conference
on High Energy Physics (ICHEP04), Beijing, China, 2004.
- 59
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- 98
- B. A. Kniehl,
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- 99
- G. Kramer and H. Spiesberger,
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- J. Breitweg et al. [ZEUS Collaboration],
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- 133
C. Chen, [CDF Collaboration], presentation at Beauty 2003, ;
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- 135
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- 136
H1 and ZEUS publications are listed at
- 137
- 138
- 139
- I. Abt et al. [H1 Collaboration],
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 386 (1997) 310 and 348.
- 140
- D. Pitzl et al.,
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Eur. Phys. J. C 15 (2000) 1.
- 145
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M. Cacciari,
- 163
T. Carli, V. Chiochia and K. Klimek,
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Talk given at the Workshop on Future Physics at HERA, Hamburg, Germany, 30-31 May 1996
Andreas Meyer