DESY string seminar calendar
hep-th conference calendar
introduction to git for latex projects
Till Bargheer
DESY Hamburg
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg, Germany
Building 2a, Room 203
I work on mathematical aspects of quantum field and string theory, mostly in the setting of planar gauge theory and the AdS/CFT duality, and especially on the integrable structures that appear in this context.
Gauge and string theory, AdS/CFT duality, genus expansion
Integrability, Bethe ansatz, separation of variables (a la Sklyanin)
Scattering amplitudes, Wilson loops, Regge limit
Moduli spaces, matrix models
All of my publications can be found at the following profiles:
Winter 2024:
ZMP Seminar Series: Separation of Variables
Summer 2021:
Exercises: Introduction to Quantum Theory ( note on Fourier transformations, presence problems, homework problems )
Winter 2020:
Exercises: Analytical Mechanics and Special Relativity ( note on symmetries, presence problems, homework problems )
Summer 2020:
Full Course: Theory of Fundamental Interactions ( lecture notes, problems )
Winter 2019:
Exercises: Programming for Physicists ( lecture data types, lecture analytic computing, problems )
Summer 2019:
Full Course: Introduction to Integrability ( invitation, literature, syllabus, problems )
Winter 2018:
Exercises: Statistical Physics ( presence problems, homework problems )
Summer 2018:
Exercises: Introduction to Quantum Theory ( presence problems, homework problems )
Here are some posters I created:
July 2014 Conference “Integrability in Gauge and String Theory”, DESY Hamburg: Three Point Functions of Short Operators
June 2009 Conference “Integrability in Gauge and String Theory”, Potsdam: Long-Range Integrable Spin Chains, Exacting N=4 Superconformal Symmetry, and the Conference Poster that I created with Florian Löbbert and Niklas Beisert
(last updated on November 26, 2024)
(design inspired by Andrew Neitzke's page)