Link to the (inofficial) DESY hep-th seminar calendar
The journal club takes place on Tuesdays from 14:15 to ~15:30 in Room 1083, Notkestr. 9.
Paper discussions consist of ~10 minutes of short informal presentation followed by another ~10 minutes of discussion.
We collect papers suggested for discussion in a shared document (link via email). Please add anything you find interesting to that list!
See also indico and all seminars
Skimming of the paper list!
2501.01486 (Federico
Scott Collier, Lorenz Eberhardt, Beatrix Muhlmann: A
microscopic realization of dS3
2502.07103 (Fiona
Seibold, Sfondrini: Interpolating families of integrable
AdS3 backgrounds
2412.01313 (Enrico
Aharony, Barel, Sheaffer: Effective Strings in QED3
2501.09454 (Carlos
Flieger, Henn, Schreiber, Trnka: Two-loop four-point
amplitudes on the Coulomb branch of N=4 super Yang-Mills
2502.10356 (Davide
Kervyn, Polvara, Sfondrini: Thermodynamics of integrable
N=2 theories, squared
2412.13397 (Till
Gopakumar, Kaushik, Komatsu, Mazenc, Sarkar: Strings from
Feynman Diagrams
2501.07511 (Federico
Ambrosino, Negro: Minimal Models RG flows:
non-invertible symmetries & non-perturbative description
New venue! We will meet in Notkestraße 9, Room 1083 from today!
2412.02741 (Alessio
Herrmann, Kologlu, Mould: Energy Correlators in
Perturbative Quantum Gravity
2411.11612 (Deniz
Bertle, Pomoni, Zhang, Zoubos: Hidden Symmetries of 4D N=2
Gauge Theories
2411.15080 (Davide
Fabri, Polvara: One-loop integrability with shifting
2410.16356 (Deniz
Corcoran, de Leeuw: Integrable and critical Haagerup spin
2412.05246 2412.06429 (Sebastian
Alday, Giribet, Hansen: On the AdS3 Virasoro-Shapiro
Chester, Zhong: The AdS3xS3 Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude
with RR flux
2410.11501 (Gabriele
Dian, Mazzucchelli, Tellander: The Two-Loop Amplituhedron
2410.24142 (Federico
Gabai, Gorbenko, Qiao, Zan, Zhabin: Quantum Groups as
Global Symmetries
2411.08961 (Alessio
Abata, Torroba: Irreversibility of quantum field theory
in de Sitter: the C, F and A theorems
2411.04378 (Julien
Alday, Zhou: Flat-space limit of defect correlators and
stringy AdS form factors
2411.16176 (Paul Ryan)
Beisert, Benedikt König: Yangian Formalism for Planar Gauge
2409.10606 (Enrico
Bilal Hawashin, Junchen Rong, Michael M. Scherer: UV
complete local field theory of persistent symmetry breaking in 2+1
2404.17286 (Samuel
Hong Liu, Parnachev, Ceplak, Valach: Black Hole Singularity
from OPE
2407.20964 (Torben
Witten: Instantons and the Large N = 4 Algebra
2410.12453 (Fabio
Amariti, Glorioso, Mantegazza, Morgante, Zanetti:
Dualities from dualities in 2d N=(0,2)
2409.09006 (Florent
Florent Baume, Alessio Miscioscia, Elli Pomoni: Constraints
on RG Flows from Protected Operators
2409.02160 (Carlos
Simmons Duffin, Homrich, Vieira: Light-Ray Wave Functions
and Integrability
2407.02645 (Sebastian
Dowd, Giribet: JT gravity as a non-critical string
2405.17562 (Enrico
Benjamin, Lee, Pal, Simmons-Duffin, and Xu: Angular
fractals in thermal QFT
2409.13806 (Deniz
Dei, Ferrero, Rastelli: On Supergravity and Noncritical
2410.23333 (Julien
Guerrieri, Haring, Su: From data to the analytic S-matrix:
A Bootstrap fit of the pion scattering amplitude
2406.12959 (Federico
Jan Albert, Waltraut Knopa and Leonardo Rastelli: Where
is tree-level string theory?
2406.10186 (Davide
Gabriel Cuomo, Yin-Chen He, Zohar Komargodski: Impurities
with a cusp: general theory and 3d Ising
2409.17246 (Paul Ryan)
Collier, Eberhardt, Muhlmann, Rodriguez: The complex Liouville
Last journal club before the summer break
Curation of the paper list
2406.01798 (Carlos
V Kazakov, H Murali, P Vieira: Huge BPS Operators and
Fluid Dynamics in N=4 SYM
2406.02679 2406.19441 (Alessio
Cuomo, Rastelli, Sharon: Moduli Spaces in CFT:
Bootstrap Equation in a Perturbative Example
Cuomo, Rastelli,
Sharon: Moduli Spaces in CFT: Large Charge Operators
2407.02705 2407.03715 (Florent
Mohseni, Montero, Vafa, Valenzuela: On measuring distances
in the quantum gravity landscape
Debusschere, Tonioni, van Riet: A
distance conjecture beyond moduli?
2405.09718 (Jules
Klabbers, Lamers: Landscapes of integrable long-range spin
2406.05241 (Rigers
Simon Caron-Huot, Miguel Correia, Mathieu Giroux: Recursive
Landau Analysis
2404.16925 (Julien
Kazakov, Zheng: Bootstrap for Finite N Lattice Yang-Mills
(Federico Ambrosino)
Ambrosino, Komatsu: 2d QCD and
(Apratim Kaviraj)
Diatlyk, Khanchandani, Popov, Wang: Effective
Field Theory of Conformal Boundaries
2406.09171 (Jörg
Gaiotto, Teschner: Schur Quantization and Complex
Chern-Simons theory
2406.04294 (Carlos
Bargheer, Bercini, Fernandes, Goncalves, Mann: Wilson
Loops with Lagrangians: Large Spin OPE and Cusp Anomalous Dimension
2403.17263 (Deniz
Brown, Galvagno, Wen: Exact results for the giant graviton
four-point correlator
(Sebastian Harris)
Kousvos, Piazza, Vichi: Exploring Replica-Potts
CFTs in Two Dimensions
(Florent Baume)
Baume, Oehlmann, Ruehle: Bounds and Dualities of
Type II Little String Theories
(Alessio Miscioscia)
Hirosi Ooguri, Hao-Yu Sun, et al: Universal
Bound on Effective Central Charge and Its Saturation
(Antonio Antunes)
Komargodski, Zhong: The baryon junction and
string interactions
(Carlos Bercini)
Guerrieiri, Homrich, Vieira: Multiparticle Flux
Tube S-matrix Bootstrap
(Julien Barrat)
Diatlyk, Khanchandani, Popov, Wang: Defect Fusion
and Casimir Energy in Higher Dimensions
(Sebastian Harris)
Chandra, Hartman, Meruliya: Statistics of
three-dimensional black holes from Liouville line defects
(Florent Baume)
Behan, Chester, Ferrero: Towards Bootstrapping
(Federico Ambrosino)
Ambrosino, Luo, Wang, Zhang: Understanding
Fermionic Generalized Symmetries
(Antonio Antunes)
Ooguri, Wang: Universal Bounds on CFT Distance
(Alessio Miscioscia)
Lencsés, Miscioscia, Mussardo, Takács:
Ginzburg–Landau description for multicritical Yang–Lee models
(Jules Lamers)
Moussa, Lamers, Serban, Toufik: A solvable
non-unitary fermionic long-range model with extended symmetry
(Florent Baume)
Alday, Chester, Hansen, Zhong: The AdS Venziano
amplitude at small curvature
(Deniz Bozkurt)
Zoltan Bajnok, Bercel Boldis and Gregory
Korchemsky: Tracy-Widom distribution in four-dimensional super
Yang-Mills theories
(Antonio Antunes)
Mazel, Sandor, Wang, Yin: Conformal Perturbation
Theory and Tachyon-Dilaton Eschatology via String Fields
(Federico Ambrosino)
Verlinde, Zhang: SYK Correlators from 2D
Liouville-de Sitter Gravity
(Alessio Miscioscia)
He, Kruczenski: Gauge theory bootstrap: Pion
amplitudes and low-energy parameters
(Julien Barrat)
Bianchi, Bonomi, de Sabbata, Gimenez-Grau: Analytic
bootstrap for magnetic impurities
(Federico Ambrosino)
Copetti, Komatsu, Cordova: Non-Invertible
Symmetries, Anomalies and Scattering Amplitudes
(Sebastian Harris)
Fardelli, Fitzpatrick, Li: Holography and Regge
Phases with U(1) Charge
(Carlos Bercini)
Antonio Padilla and Robert G. C. Smith: Smoothed
asymptotics: from number theory to QFT
(Felix Tellander)
Helmer, Papathanasiou, Tellander: Landau
Singularities from Whitney Stratifications
(Lorenzo Mansi)
Mansi, Sperling: Unravelling T-Duality: Magnetic
Quivers in Rank-zero Little String Theories
(Juan Miguel Nieto Garcia)
Fontanella, Nieto Garcia: Constructing
Non-Relativistic AdS5/CFT4 Holography
(Florent Baume)
Perlmutter: A Rigorous Holographic Bound on AdS
Scale Separation
(Sebastian Harris)
Harris, Kaviraj, Mann, Quintavalle, Schomerus:
Comb Channel Lightcone Bootstrap II: Triple-Twist Anomalous
(Gabriele Dian)
Arkani-Hamed, Flieger, Henn, Schreiber, Trnka:
Coulomb Branch Amplitudes from a Deformed Amplituhedron Geometry
(Alessio Miscioscia)
Karateev, Penedones, Komargodski, Sahoo: Trace
Anomalies and the Graviton-Dilaton Amplitude
(Carlos Bercini)
Bercini, Fernandes, Goncalves: Two loop five point
integrals: light, heavy and large spin correlators
(Antonio Antunes)
Antunes, Lauria, Rees: A bootstrap study of
minimal model deformations
2401.05207.pdf: Gabriele Dian, Paolo Benincasa: The Geometry of Cosmological Correlators
Abstract: Energy-Energy Correlators (EECs) have emerged as powerful tools for collider QCD with applications ranging from decoding the hadronic energy flux in jets, resolving scales in heavy ion collisions to precision measurements of the strong coupling and the top quark mass. There is already a strong experimental effort behind their measurements at the LHC, RHIC and upcoming collider facilities, such as the EIC. What is particularly exciting about them is their strong links with highly developed techniques from CFTs, in particular, the recent advancements in the study of light-ray operators and their OPE. Moreover, their computation has involved applications of cutting-edge techniques from Feynman integrations and has uncovered intriguing connections with scattering amplitudes.
In this overview talk, I will review recent advancements in the study of EECs from the perspective of jet substructure, while highlighting along the way some of these connections with formal theory and Feynman integration techniques. The goal of this talk is to initiate a discussion between theorists spread across these varied disciplines, hopefully leading to a fruitful cross-talk.
Pedro will lead a discussion of 2108.09330.pdf: Kantor, Niarchos, Papageorgakis: Conformal Bootstrap with Reinforcement Learning, and possibly other related papers.
Abstract: I’ll review recent progress in understanding the O(n) (for n complex) CFTs in two dimensions. These theories have important applications in physics and mathematics, but resisted understanding until recently, where the bootstrap method, combined with insights from representation theory, made possible an (almost) complete exact solution.
2211.11791.pdf: Simon Caron-Huot: Holographic Cameras: An Eye for the Bulk
lecture notes
1509.00014.pdf: Thomas
Hartman, Sachin Jain, Sandipan Kundu: Causality Constraints in Conformal
Field Theory
Abstract: One of the attractive properties of QFT with extended supersymmetry is the existence of families of local operators described by tractable algebraic structures, like chiral and topological algebras. The corresponding correlation functions are often computable and strongly constrain the dynamics of the theory. In this talk, I will combine this type of construction with BPS line defects in the context of 3d N=4 QFTs, preserving a fraction of the supersymmetry. From that, I will derive an exact formula for correlation functions of an arbitrary number of conserved current multiplets with line defects. As a concrete example, I will apply this method in the case of the 1/2-BPS Wilson line in ABJM and combine it with localization leading to an alternative formula for the bremsstrahlung and to the first results for the two-point function of the stress tensor multiplet.
2210.15694.pdf: Cuomo, Komargodski: Giant Vortices and the Regge Limit
2211.12555.pdf: Basso, Dixon, Liu, Papathanasiou: An origin story for amplitudes
2212.09758.pdf: Cota, Mininno, Weigand, Wiesner: The Asymptotic Weak Gravity Conjecture in M-theory
2211.12555.pdf: Basso, Dixon, Liu, Papathanasiou: An origin story for amplitudes
Bercini, Goncalves, Homrich, Vieira: The Wilson Loop - Large Spin OPE
2207.08931.pdf: Bercini,
Goncalves, Homrich, Vieira: Spinning Hexagons
2210.01135.pdf: Clay Córdova, Diego García-Sepúlveda: Symmetry Enriched c-Theorems & SPT Transitions
Abstract: Defects that break a global symmetry group are endowed with exactly marginal defect operators, which allow to deform a CFT along the defect conformal manifold, which is the symmetry breaking coset. Its Zamolodchikov metric is expressed as the 2-pt function of the exactly marginal operator and the Riemann tensor can be expressed as an integrated 4-pt functions. I will give examples on the cases of the 1/2 BPS Maldacena-Wilson loop in N=4 SYM, and the 1/2 and 1/3 BPS Fermionic Wilson in ABJM.
Abstract: Tremendous progress has been achieved during the last years in bootstrapping conformal correlators at strong coupling using analytical bootstrap methods and the AdS/CFT correspondence. In particular, the development of Lorentzian inversion formulae revealed helpful in reconstructing four-point functions. In this talk I will present how this technology can be adapted to defect setups in order to compute scalar two-point functions in the presence of a conformal defect in the strong-coupling regime. We derived a dispersion relation that allows to efficiently generate elegant closed-form expressions for a variety of setups, and in particular we apply this method to two-point functions of single-trace half-BPS operators in the presence of the supersymmetric Wilson line defect in 4d N=4 SYM, using minimal input from holography.
Abstract: Almost 50 years after its formulation, the ‘t Hooft model, describing a two-dimensional version of QCD in the Large N limit, still represents a very rich toy model and is now getting renewed attention both from a gauge and string theory perspective. The mesonic bound states are the simplest objects of this confining theory and the spectrum thereof has been thoroughly studied in the early literature by means of numerical methods. Yet, there has been a substantial lack of analytical results in merit. The goal of this talk, based on an upcoming paper of the speaker and S. Komatsu, is trying to fill this gap by presenting analytical results for the mesons spectral problem that illustrate an interesting and rich integrability structure that underlies the problem and that can be used to analytically solve it. Namely, employing some integral transformations, a set of TQ-Baxter relations can be derived and, through them, it is possible to construct a series representation for mesons’ masses and wavefunctions that is valid for every given mass of their quark constituents. This extends the seminal work 0905.2280 by Zamolodchikov and collaborators that only treated a specific value for them. Finally, 3- and 4-point scattering amplitudes of mesons will be discussed as well as some further applications of this formalism.
Abstract: The Skyrme model is a nonlinear field theory of nuclei which acts as a low-energy effective theory for QCD. The Skyrme model admits topological soliton solutions called skyrmions, which are physically identified with baryons. The Skyrme field equations do not allow for exact solutions, so over the years this has prompted several approximate descriptions to complement numerical simulations, and to allow a quantum treatment. One attempt (originally due to Atiyah and Manton) approximates skyrmions with the holonomy of Yang-Mills instantons. Although seemingly ad hoc, this approach is remarkably accurate. Recently, an holographic understanding due to Sutcliffe has explained its accuracy, putting the instanton approximation into a framework which is controlled, and not ad hoc, and allows for generalisation. In this talk, I will provide a survey of the instanton approximation. In particular I shall discuss some recent work of myself (joint with various collaborators) on how the instanton approximation can be generalised to study electromagnetic effects in the Skyrme model in a more realistic way to earlier attempts, and how to push the ordinary instanton approximation further to gain greater insights into quantum properties of skyrmions.
Abstract: We consider the N=2 SYM theory with gauge group SU(N) and a matter content consisting of one multiplet in the symmetric and one in the anti-symmetric representation of the gauge group. This theory is conformal and it admits a large-N ’t Hooft expansion and a gravity dual given by a particular orientifold of AdS_5 x S^5. We analyze this theory relying on the matrix model provided by localization à la Pestun. Even if this matrix model has very non-trivial interactions, by exploiting the full Lie algebra approach to the matrix integration, we show that a large class of observables can be expressed in a closed form in terms of an infinite matrix depending on the ’t Hooft coupling lambda. These exact expressions can be used to generate the perturbative expansions at high orders and also to analytically study the leading behavior at strong coupling. Finally we compare these predictions to a direct Monte Carlo numerical evaluation of the matrix integral and to the Padé resummation derived from very long perturbative series. Depending on time we also discuss the generalization of these results for a circular quiver gauge theory and the corresponding holographic interpretation
Three-point functions in a superconformal gauge theory and their strong-coupling limit: 2202.06990.pdf
Strong-coupling results for superconformal quivers and holography: 2109.0055.pdf
Exact results in a N=2 SCFT at strong coupling: 2105.15113.pdf
Abstract: In recent years, it has been found that cluster algebra plays important roles in analyzing and predicting singularities of amplitudes and Feynman integrals. In this talk, we identify cluster algebras for planar kinematics of conformal Feynman integrals in four dimensions, as sub-algebras of that for top-dimensional G(4,n) corresponding to n-point massless kinematics. We provide evidence that they encode information about singularities of such Feynman integrals, including all-loop ladders with symbol letters given by cluster variables and algebraic generalizations. As a highly-nontrivial example, we apply the method to an n=8 three-loop wheel integral, which contains a new square root, and bootstrap its result. By sending a point to infinity, our results have implications for non-conformal Feynman integrals. 2112.11842.pdf
Abstract: Recently, experimentalists have been using Rydbery atoms arranged on different lattices to realize exotic phases (and phase transitions) of condensed matter systems, such as the Z2 spin liquid phase. The systems can sometimes be mapped onto quantum dimer models, which can be simulated using quantum monte carlo techniques. What’s more, the low energy excitations of the system are described by scalar phi^4 theory. Some of the phases transitions of Rydbery atoms arrays are therefore described by the famous Wilson-Fisher CFTs. The talk is based on 2205.04472.pdf
Abstract: We consider correlation functions of single trace operators approaching the cusps of null polygons in a double-scaling limit where so-called cusp times t_i^2 = g^2 log(x_{i−1,i}^2) log(x_{i,i+1}^2) are held fixed and the t’Hooft coupling is small. With the help of stampedes, symbols and educated guesses, we find that any such correlator can be uniquely fixed through a set of coupled lattice PDEs of Toda type with several intriguing novel features. These results hold for most conformal gauge theories with a large number of colours, including planar N=4 SYM.
The talk is based on 2111.12131.pdf and 2205.04476.pdf
Abstract: We find a two-parameter family of solutions of the Yang-Mills equations for gauge group SO(1,3) on Minkowski space by foliating different parts of it with non-compact coset spaces with SO(1,3) isometry. The interior of the lightcone is foliated with hyperbolic space H3≅SO(1,3)/SO(3), while the exterior of the lightcone employs de Sitter space dS3≅SO(1,3)/SO(1,2). The lightcone itself is parametrized by SO(1,3)/ISO(2) in a nilpotent fashion. Equivariant reduction of the SO(1,3) Yang-Mills system on the first two coset spaces yields a mechanical system with inverted double-well potential and the foliation parameter serving as an evolution parameter. Its known analytic solutions are periodic or runaway except for the kink. On the lightcone, only the vacuum solution remains. The constructed Yang-Mills field strength is singular across the lightcone and of infinite action due to the noncompact cosets. Its energy-momentum tensor takes a very simple form, with energy density of opposite signs inside and outside the lightcone.