Single frame files (2009-2014)
Single frame files (2009-2014)
From 2009 - 2014 we output a single HDF5 file per image with unique file name.
This is incredibly convenient for small amounts of data; however single frame files rapidly destroy file system once the number of images becomes millions, or tens of millions, or more. Single files effectively uses the file system as a metadata catalogue, and almost guarantee that your file system will be fragmented. Copying many small files takes much more time than a smaller number of large files. You can get away with it for small data sets, but it does not scale. Trust us... we found out.
This format is no longer the default. You can roll back to this format by including the following line in the .ini file
Are simple and almost self explanatory:
> h5ls -r LCLS_2011_Feb20_r0286_004938_5ad2.h5
/ Group
/LCLS Group
/LCLS/detector0-EncoderValue Dataset {1}
/LCLS/detector0-Position Dataset {1}
/LCLS/ebeamCharge Dataset {1}
/LCLS/ebeamL3Energy Dataset {1}
/LCLS/ebeamLTUAngX Dataset {1}
/LCLS/ebeamLTUAngY Dataset {1}
/LCLS/ebeamLTUPosX Dataset {1}
/LCLS/ebeamLTUPosY Dataset {1}
/LCLS/ebeamPkCurrBC2 Dataset {1}
/LCLS/eventTime Soft Link {/LCLS/eventTimeString}
/LCLS/eventTimeString Dataset {SCALAR}
/LCLS/evr41 Dataset {1}
/LCLS/f_11_ENRC Dataset {1}
/LCLS/f_12_ENRC Dataset {1}
/LCLS/f_21_ENRC Dataset {1}
/LCLS/f_22_ENRC Dataset {1}
/LCLS/fiducial Dataset {1}
/LCLS/machineTime Dataset {1}
/LCLS/phaseCavityCharge1 Dataset {1}
/LCLS/phaseCavityCharge2 Dataset {1}
/LCLS/phaseCavityTime1 Dataset {1}
/LCLS/phaseCavityTime2 Dataset {1}
/LCLS/photon_energy_eV Dataset {1}
/LCLS/photon_wavelength_A Dataset {1}
/data Group
/data/data Soft Link {/data/rawdata0}
/data/pixelmask0 Dataset {1480, 1552}
/data/radialAverage0 Dataset {1175}
/data/radialAverageCounter0 Dataset {1175}
/data/rawdata Soft Link {/data/rawdata0}
/data/rawdata0 Dataset {1480, 1552}
/processing Group
/processing/cheetah Group
/processing/cheetah/peakinfo Soft Link {/processing/hitfinder/peakinfo-raw}
/processing/cheetah/peakinfo-assembled Dataset {22, 4}
/processing/cheetah/peakinfo-raw Dataset {22, 4}
/processing/hitfinder Group, same as /processing/cheetah
Single frame Cheetah files