Track position

      vert(:,:),&            ! True production vertex position of
                             ! particle
      iprf(:,:),&            ! True and Seen impact parameter in Rphi.
                             ! True value has geometric sign; seen
                             ! value (calculated by a call to
                             ! ZAUCIP) can have geometric or
                             ! life-time sign, depending on how
                             ! ZAUCIP was called.
      ipz(:,:),&             ! True and seen impact parameter in z. Ditto
      eiprf(:),&             ! Seen error on impact parameter in Rphi.
                             ! Calculated by ZAUCIP
      eipz(:),&              ! Seen error on impact parameter in z. Ditto.
      par(:,:),&             ! Seen track parameters at perigee:
                             !   Par(1)   = Impact-parameter in Rphi,& 
                             !              with geometric sign
                             !   Par(2)   = Impact-parameter in Z
                             !   Par(3)   = theta
                             !   Par(4)   = phi at perigee
                             !   Par(5)   = 1/Radius of curvature
                             ! PAR is identically zero for particles
                             ! only seen by calorimeters.
      wgt(:,:)               ! Seen weight matrix of track parameters
                             ! at perigee, in packed form ,ie.
                             ! the elements of WGT are in the
                             ! following positions in the symmetric
                             ! 5X5 weight-matrix :
                             !     1   2  4  7 11
                             !     2   3  5  8 12
                             !     4   5  6  9 13
                             !     7   8  9 10 14
                             !     11 12 13 14 15
                             ! WGT is identically zero for particles
                             ! only seen by calorimeters.
      hitbar(:,:),&          ! bitted word telling what detector
      hitfwd(:,:)            ! layers measured the track parameters:
                             !  if barrel layer i was hit, bit i is
                             ! set in HITBAR, and if forward layer
                             ! i was set, the bit is set in HITFWD.
                             ! Use the bit-handling routines in
                             ! the utilities patch GENUTL !
                             ! Use the access-routines in SGVTRKER
                             ! to find out more information on the
                             ! layer. Eg. ZTCNAM(IGEO,layer#,'TRACK')
                             ! gives the user-assigned name of a barrel
                             ! layer

      invtx(:),&             ! the track is in the fitted main vertex
                             ! (if ZAUVF1 was called)
                             ! (RFFAIL, IJETVX and INSV bellow are not
                             ! set by SGV; they are included for user
                             ! convenience. However, SGV resets them
                             ! to FALSE at the beginning of each event.)
      rffail(:),&            ! refit failed for the track
      ijetvx(:,:,:),&        ! the track is in a sec. vertex in the jet
      insv(:,:)              ! the track is in a sec. vertex.
      tkr(:,:,:,:)           ! TKR parameters with covariance matrix
                             ! at selected layers of the detector. (NOT
                             ! USED PRESENTLY).
