The Repeat construct

The REPEAT construct is the following :
  LAYER: (layer_name)
    REPEAT : TIMES=value, geometry parameter step=value,...)
      GEOMETRY:(geometry parameter=value,geometry parameter=value,...)
      MATERIAL:(material parameter=value,material parameter=value,...)
      MEASUREMENT:(measurement parameter=value,measurement parameter=value,...)
The layer description following directly after the REPEAT-statement should describe the first layer in the repeating portion of the detector. All the repeated layers will have the same name, measurement properties, and material. Possible geometry step parameters are: DELTA_R, DELTA_ZMIN and DELTA_ZMAX (barrel) or DELTA_Z, DELTA_RMIN and DELTA_RMAX (forward). The parameter TIMES specifies how many times the layer should be repeated, including the first layer (to which the step is NOT added, but is rather exactly as described by the GEOMETRY keywords following directly after the REPEAT keyword).