Getting the default user environment

Step 1 :
Have a private SGV-directory. The name is not important for SGV. It was created during install, if you so requested. The default name of the directory created by install is tests.
Step 2 :
Define the SGV environment.

There is a script to set the values of symbols used by SGV on the directory you downloaded SGV in. Put Yourself on this area and execute the appropriate file to define SGV_DIR and SGV_LIB :

source sgvenv.csh

on UNIX if You work within the c-shell family, or


if You work with within the Bourne-shell family.

This will set up the needed symbols, as they were when you initially installed SGV. SGV_DIR is also appended to the PATH, in case it wasn't already there. SGV_LIB is updated if makesgvlibs is re-run with a different location of the libraries (other symbols are not updated.)

Note that You must do 'source sgvenv.csh' or '.', not eg. 'csh sgvenv.csh'. The latter method only defines the variables in a sub-shell, not the shell You're actually working in. It's a good idea to put the call to the appropriate of these files in Your login file.

Step 3 :
Get Your user program template. If you created the private area during install, the steps below have already been done for you, but if not:

Step 3a :
Go back to the private area. Make a copy there of the file sgvuser.F95 on SGV_DIR, preferably with a different file-name. Use it as a template for your user program.

Step 3b :
Copy default input files:

SGV needs three input-files : the geometry description, the steering-files, and, optionally, an root file with empty histograms and ntuples to be filled by the user-code. Examples of the two first are given on SGV_DIR. There is no default root-file, but there is an example of a macro file to create it : sgv_ex.C. So do the following copies :

        Name on SGV_DIR                   Name on private area
        ---------------                   --------------------

         sgv_ex_pythia.steer                sgv.steer
         sgv_geo3_ex.inp                    sgv_geo.inp
         sgv_ex.C                           (any name)

This completes the creation of the default user environment.