# get whizard (latest release) wget http://www.hepforge.org/archive/whizard/whizard-2.4.0.tar.gz tar -xzf whizard-2.4.0.tar.gz cd whizard-2.4.0 # or, in principle, (head version): mkdir whizard-2.4.0-head-rev7784 cd whizard-2.4.0-head-rev7784 svn co http://whizard.hepforge.org/svn/trunk/ . bash build_master.sh autoreconf # ... but there one needs to at least # wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/automake/automake-1.11.6.tar.gz # wget http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/gnu/libtool/libtool-2.4.2.tar.gz # wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/autoconf/autoconf-2.65.tar.gz # and un-tar, configure --prefix=/nfs/dust/ilc/user/berggren/whiz2-tests/gnutools/, # make install for each of them, and then pathhead /nfs/dust/ilc/user/berggren/whiz2-tests/gnutools/bin/ # to get bleeding-edge enough versions to satisfy the whizards # also: # wget ftp://www.eecs.harvard.edu/pub/nr/noweb.tgz # untar, go dowen to the src subdirectory, edit the Makefile, as per the INSTALL # file, and make all install. # # define LCIO. NB that whizard's config looks in LCIO_DIR, while # the ilcsodt-setup defines LCIO (without _DIR)! . /afs/desy.de/user/b/berggren/scripts/ilc_soft_setup-2 "" 48 export LCIO_DIR=$LCIO # on the NAF, the default OCaml is too old, so I use # a newer version from http://pauillac.inria.fr/ocaml/ export PATH=`pwd`/../ocaml-4.01.0/usr/local/bin:$PATH # whizard 2.>3 needs >=gcc4.9.3: # export PATH=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/contrib/gcc/4.9.3/x86_64-slc6/bin/:$PATH # ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/install/ --enable-lcio make make install # tar -xzf rundir.tar.gz cd rundir ../install/bin/whizard dbd-2n4f-transl.sin bash tidy-compile bash setup-sub cd sub # pre-integrate: ../../install/bin/whizard -e 'logical ?preint = true sqrts = 500 GeV beams_pol_density = @(1),@(-1)' <( cat dbd-2n4f-transl.sin ; echo 'integrate ( zzorww_h0udud,zzorww_h0cscs){ ?polarized_events = true ?vis_channels = true}' ) bash ../tidy-integrate rm zzorww_h0udud_m1.vg zzorww_h0cscs_m1.vg # integrete ../../install/bin/whizard -e 'sqrts = 500 GeV beams_pol_density = @(1),@(-1)' <( cat dbd-2n4f-transl.sin ; echo 'integrate ( zzorww_h0udud,zzorww_h0cscs){ ?polarized_events = true }' ) bash ../tidy-integrate grep "Integral =" *.log # events: ../../install/bin/whizard -e 'luminosity = 5 sqrts = 500 GeV beams_pol_density = @(1),@(-1) $sample = "zzorww_h"' <( cat dbd-2n4f-transl.sin ; echo 'simulate (zzorww_h0udud,zzorww_h0cscs){ ?polarized_events = true }' ) bash ../tidy-run # look at the events ~/activity/analysis_methods/stdhep/std2pyj-sl6 zzorww_h.0.stdhep 2 1 1 ~/activity/analysis_methods/stdhep/std2pyj-sl6 zzorww_h.0.stdhep 2 1 -2 # look at history and diagrams: evince zzorww_h0udud-history.pdf evince zzorww_h0cscs-history.pdf evince zzorww_h0cscs_i1_phs.pdf evince zzorww_h0udud_i1_phs.pdf # other chanels to check # tau:s w/ tauola ../../install/bin/whizard -e 'luminosity = 5 sqrts = 500 GeV beams_pol_density = @(1),@(-1) $sample = "z_l0tau"' <( cat dbd-2n4f-transl.sin ; echo 'simulate (z_l0tau){ ?polarized_events = true }' ) # mu-pairs for ISR checks (modify flags in beams.sin for checks) ../../install/bin/whizard -e 'luminosity = 5 sqrts = 500 GeV beams_pol_density = @(-1),@(1) $sample = "z_l0mu"' <( cat dbd-2n4f-transl.sin ; echo 'simulate (z_l0mu){ ?polarized_events = true }' ) # 4f semi-leptonic: ../../install/bin/whizard -e 'luminosity = 5 sqrts = 500 GeV beams_pol_density = @(1),@(-1) $sample = "zz_sl0mu_up"' <( cat dbd-2n4f-transl.sin ; echo 'simulate (zz_sl0mu_up){ ?polarized_events = true }' ) # ww -> 4jets: ../../install/bin/whizard -e 'luminosity = 100 sqrts = 500 GeV beams_pol_density = @(1),@(-1) $sample = "ww_h0udcsy"' <( cat dbd-2n4f-transl.sin ; echo 'simulate (ww_h0udcsy){ ?polarized_events = true }' ) ~/activity/analysis_methods/stdhep/std2pyj-sl6 ww_h0udcsy.0.stdhep 10000 1 -2 | gawk '{if ($4 == 92) { print $12}}' > stringmassinudcsy.dat and then ve/read m stringmassinudcsy.dat ve/read mdbd i250006_str.dat ve/pl mdbd ve/pl m