Guide to Official diffVM Files

Last updated: August 9, 1996 by BL.

diffVM is a Monte Carlo generator for diffractive processes in ep collisions based on the VDM. The main author is Benno List.

There is also an overview over banks produced by and used to steer diffVM.

This overview is not exhaustive. Files with 1993 running conditions have been left out, since they are generally not available on the dice, and also the first round of 1994 Monte Carlos is not described, because new (and, of course, better) files are now available.

Light vector meson (rho, omega, phi) production

Excited vector meson (rho(1450), omega(1420), rho(1700), phi(1680)) production

J/psi production

psi' production

Upsilon production

Photon Dissociation

Light vector meson production in DIS, 1994 e+ running

Generated: May 19, 1995 by B.L.
Version 1.05/01

1994 running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Cuts on the scattered electron: E>8GeV, theta<175deg
Kinematic cuts: Q^2>4GeV^2, W>20GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.8 (epsilon_pom = 0.2) for the elastic case, W^0.48 (epsilon_pom = 0.12) for the proton dissociation case
Slope parameter b is constant
Q^2 dependence: standard VDM propagator, R limited to 2

epsilon_pom was chosen differently for the elastic and proton dissociation files to partially compensate the t_min effect. The t_min effect leads for the proton dissociation case to a steeper rise of the cross section with W than for the elastic case, because the phase space for proton dissociation grows fast with W. This is a result of the one-pomeron-exchange approximation, which is known to lead to a too fast rise of the cross section with W for proton dissocyiation (compare Tevatron results).

Known problems:
The Q^2-dependence is a bit too shallow (tail to higher Q^2 values is a bit too large), because VDM does not correctly describe the Q^2 behavior.
Recommendation: reweight events with factor ((m^2+4GeV^2)/(m^2+Q^2))^0.5, where m is the mass of the respective vector meson.

Elastic diffractive vector meson production

rho production

20000 events, cross section estimate 940pb, integrated luminosity 21.2pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/RHOELAS1.DIS.S30609.A00 - A01
Simulated and reconstructed files:
RHOELAS1.DIS.S30609.R60017.A00 - A04 (removed from ACS!)

omega production

2000 events, cross section estimate 96pb, integrated luminosity 20.7pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
OMGELAS1.DIS.S30609.R60017.A00 (removed from ACS!)

phi production

3000 events, cross section estimate 154pb, integrated luminosity 19.5pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
PHIELAS1.DIS.S30609.R60017.A00 (removed from ACS!)

Vector meson production with proton dissociation

rho production

20000 events, cross section estimate 360pb, integrated luminosity 56pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/RHOPDIS1.DIS.S30609.A00 - A04
Simulated and reconstructed files:
RHOPDIS1.DIS.S30609.R60017.A00 - A06 (removed from ACS!)

omega production

2000 events, cross section estimate 39pb, integrated luminosity 51pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
OMGPDIS1.DIS.S30609.R60017.A00 (removed from ACS!)

phi production

3000 events, cross section estimate 65pb, integrated luminosity 46pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
PHIPDIS1.DIS.S30609.R60017.A00 - A01 (removed from ACS!)

Vector meson production with proton dissociation, proton dissociation modelled by isotropic phase space decay

Generated: August 28, 1995 by B.L.
Version 1.06/00

1994 running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Cuts on the scattered electron: E>8GeV, theta<175deg
Kinematic cuts: Q^2>6GeV^2, W>20GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.68 (epsilon_pom = 0.17) for the proton dissociation case
Slope parameter b is constant
Q^2 dependence: standard VDM propagator, R limited to 3.5

epsilon_pom was chosen in a way to partially compensate the t_min effect. The t_min effect leads for the proton dissociation case to a steeper rise of the cross section with W than for the elastic case, because the phase space for proton dissociation grows fast with W. This is a result of the one-pomeron-exchange approximation, which is known to lead to a too fast rise of the cross section with W for proton dissocyiation (compare Tevatron results).
After integration over t and M_X the gamma-p cross section rises approximately as W^1.0.

Modelling of proton dissociation
This file is produced in a special mode of diffVM. For masses M_X of the dissociating proton system below 2.0GeV the dissociating proton is treated as N* resonance, as usual. Above 2.0GeV, however, it is assumed that the proton decays to a nucleon (p or n), and a number of charged and neutral pions, following the KNO scaling law (see K. GOULIANOS: Diffractive interactions of hadrons at high energies. Phys. Rep. 101 (1983) 169-219.). These particles are then distributed isotropically in phase space, using the phase space generator RAMBO (R. KLEISS, W.J. STIRLING & S.D. ELLIS: A new Monte Carlo treatment of multiparticle phase space at high energies. Comp. Phys. Commun. 40 (1986) 359-373.).
This is an extreme model which is not expected to describe the data, particularily the p_T spectrum of the pions originating from the phase space decay is too hard. Therefore results obtained with this Monte Carlo should only be taken as cross check of the robustness of the acceptance of forward detectors against extreme dissociation models.

Known problems:
The Q^2-dependence is a bit too shallow (tail to higher Q^2 values is a bit too large), because VDM does not correctly describe the Q^2 behavior.
Recommendation: reweight events with factor ((m^2+4GeV^2)/(m^2+Q^2))^0.5, where m is the mass of the respective vector meson.

rho production

20000 events, cross section estimate 500pb, integrated luminosity 40pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/RHOPDIS1.DIS.ISO.S30622.A00 - A05
Simulated and reconstructed files:
RHOPDIS1.DIS.ISO.S30622.R60021.A00 - A04 (removed from ACS!)

Light vector meson production in DIS, 1994 e+ running (2)

Generated: November 1, 1995 by B.L.
Version 1.06/01

1994 running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Cuts on the scattered electron: E>8GeV, theta<175deg
Kinematic cuts: Q^2>6.5GeV^2, W>10GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.5 (epsilon_pom = 0.125) for the elastic case,
Slope parameter b is constant
Q^2 dependence: Modified VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-3, R limited to 3

Known problems:
The W-dependence is a bit too shallow, W^0.8 would be closer to the truth. The cross section estimate is valid in the region around W=80GeV.
Recommendation: reweight events with factor (W/80GeV)^0.3.

Elastic diffractive vector meson production

rho production

30000 events, cross section estimate 560pb, integrated luminosity 53.6pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/RHOELAS2.DIS.S30627.A00 - A01
Simulated and reconstructed files:
RHOELAS2.DIS.S30627.R60107.A00 - A07 (removed from ACS!)

Light vector meson production in DIS, 1994 e+ shifted vertex running

Generated: May 11-19, 1995 by B.L.
Version 1.05/01

1994 shifted vertex running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Cuts on the scattered electron: theta<177deg
Kinematic cuts: Q^2>1GeV^2, W>20GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.8 (epsilon_pom = 0.2) for the elastic case, W^0.48 (epsilon_pom = 0.12) for the proton dissociation case
Slope parameter b is constant
Q^2 dependence: MODIFIED VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-3, R=0.2*Q^2/m^2

epsilon_pom was chosen differently for the elastic and proton dissociation files to partially compensate the t_min effect. The t_min effect leads for the proton dissociation case to a steeper rise of the cross section with W than for the elastic case, because the phase space for proton dissociation grows fast with W. This is a result of the one-pomeron-exchange approximation, which is known to lead to a too fast rise of the cross section with W for proton dissocyiation (compare Tevatron results).
The VDM propagator was modified to give a better description of the Q^2 dependence of the cross section.

Known problems:
None so far

Elastic diffractive vector meson production

rho production

5000 events, cross section estimate 11.3nb, integrated luminosity 440nb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
RHOELAS4.SHVTX.S30609.R60017.A00 - A01 (removed from ACS!)

omega production

1000 events, cross section estimate 1.67nb, integrated luminosity 600nb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
OMGELAS4.SHVTX.S30609.R60017.A00 (removed from ACS!)

phi production

1500 events, cross section estimate 2.7nb, integrated luminosity 560nb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
PHIELAS4.SHVTX.S30609.R60017.A00 (removed from ACS!)

Vector meson production with proton dissociation

rho production

5000 events, cross section estimate 5.1nb, integrated luminosity 990nb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/RHOPDIS4.SHVTX.S30609.A00 - A01
Simulated and reconstructed files:
RHOPDIS4.SHVTX.S30609.R60017.A00 - A02 (removed from ACS!)

omega production

1000 events, cross section estimate 1.73nb, integrated luminosity 1340nb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
OMGPDIS4.SHVTX.S30609.R60017.A00 (removed from ACS!)

phi production

1500 events, cross section estimate 1.23nb, integrated luminosity 1220pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
PHIPDIS4.SHVTX.S30609.R60017.A00 (removed from ACS!)

Light vector meson production in DIS, 1995 e+ running

Generated: July 22, 1996 by B.L.
Version 1.07/01

1995 running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Cuts on the scattered electron: E>12GeV, theta<178deg
Kinematic cuts: Q^2>1.0GeV^2, W>20GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.5 (epsilon_pom = 0.125) for the elastic case,
Slope parameter b is constant
Q^2 dependence: Modified VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-2.5, R limited to 3, grows as 0.33*Q^2/m^2

Known problems:
None so far.

Elastic diffractive vector meson production

rho production

50000 events, cross section estimate 9800pb, integrated luminosity 5.1pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/95/RHOELAS3.DIS.S30645.A00-A05 (not yet imported...)
Simulated and reconstructed files:

phi production

50000 events, cross section estimate 1420pb, integrated luminosity 35pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:

Diffractive vector meson production with proton dissociation

rho production

50000 events, cross section estimate 9500pb, integrated luminosity 6.0pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:

phi production

50000 events, cross section estimate 1230pb, integrated luminosity 40pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:

Light vector meson photoproduction, 1995 e+ running

Generated: January 18-February 5, 1996 by B.L.
Version 1.06/01 (updated)

1995 running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Kinematic cuts: W>20GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.3232 (epsilon_pom = 0.0808) for the elastic case
Slope parameter b varies with W, alpha' = 0.25GeV^-2
Q^2 dependence: Modified VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-2.5, R limited to 3, rises as 0.67 Q^2/m^2 for low Q^2

Files with additional cuts:
particles from decay of vector meson have to be within 4 degree < theta < 176 degree, p_T > 100 MeV (if the decay is to a three particle final state, then the 2 charged particles have to fulfill the cut).

Known problems:
None so far.

Elastic diffractive vector meson production

omega production

90000 events, cross section estimate 303nb, integrated luminosity 297nb^-1
b=10.75 GeV^-2 at W = 55.00 GeV

Generator files:
Simulated files (GEANT step only):
Simulated and reconstructed files:

phi production

90000 events, cross section estimate 189nb, integrated luminosity 477npb^-1
b=6.80 GeV^-2 at W = 13.00 GeV

Generator files:
Simulated files (GEANT step only):
Simulated and reconstructed files:

rho(1450) production in DIS, 1994 e+ running (2)

Generated: February 5, 1996 by B.L.
Version 1.06/01 (updated version)

1994 running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.

The rho(1450) decays solely to rho0 pi+ pi-
Cuts on the scattered electron: E>10GeV, theta<175deg
Kinematic cuts: Q^2>4.0GeV^2, W>10GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.5 (epsilon_pom = 0.125) for the elastic case
Slope parameter b varies, alpha' = 0.25
Q^2 dependence: Modified VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-2.5, R limited to 4, rises as 0.5 Q^2/m^2 for low Q^2

Known problems:
No angular correlations for the pions are included, i.e. the decay products rho0 pi+ pi- are distributed according to phase space, the subsequent decay rho -> pi+ pi- (gamma) is isotropic.

Elastic diffractive vector meson production

20000 events, No cross section estimate!
b=5.5GeV^-2 at W=80 GeV

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:

rho(1450) photoproduction, 1995 e+ running

Generated: April 19, 1996 by B.L.
Version 1.07/00

1995 running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.

The rho(1450) decays to rho0 pi+ pi-
Cuts on the scattered electron: none
Kinematic cuts: W>20GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.32 (epsilon_pom = 0.08)
Slope parameter b varies, alpha' = 0.25
Q^2 dependence: Modified VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-2.5,

Known problems:
None so far. Status: Simulation & reconstruction requested (19.4.96)

Elastic diffractive vector meson production

20000 events, No cross section estimate!
b=10.9GeV^-2 at W=55 GeV

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:

phi(1680) photoproduction, 1995 e+ running

Generated: April 19, 1996 by B.L.
Version 1.07/00

1995 running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.

The phi(1680) decays to K K*bar + c.c.
Cuts on the scattered electron: none
Kinematic cuts: W>20GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.32 (epsilon_pom = 0.08)
Slope parameter b varies, alpha' = 0.25
Q^2 dependence: Modified VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-2.5,

Known problems:
None so far. Status: Simulation & reconstruction requested (19.4.96)

Elastic diffractive vector meson production

20000 events, No cross section estimate!
b=6.8GeV^-2 at W=13 GeV

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:

J/psi production in DIS, 1994 e+ running, decay to leptons

Generated: May 19, 1995 by B.L.
Version 1.05/01

1994 e+ running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Cuts on the scattered electron: E>5GeV, theta<175deg
Kinematic cuts: Q^2>4GeV^2, W>5GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^1.0 (epsilon_pom = 0.25)
Slope parameter b is constant
Q^2 dependence: MODIFIED VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-2.5, R=1.0*Q^2/m^2

The VDM propagator was modified to give a better description of the Q^2 dependence of the cross section.
The files were simulated and reconstructed twice, with H1SIM 3.06/09 (*.S30609.*) and H1SIM 3.06/14 (*.S30614.*). This was due to a misunderstanding. No special problems with either of the two simulations is known to me. It is recommended to use the later version, though.

Known problems:
None so far.

Diffractive elastic J/psi production

J/psi -> e+ e-

5000 events, cross section estimate 25.4pb, integrated luminosity 197pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
JPSIELAS.EE.DIS.S30614.A00 - A01 (removed from ACS!) 
Simulated and reconstructed files:
JPSIELAS.EE.DIS.S30609.R60017.A00 - A01 (removed from ACS!)  
JPSIELAS.EE.DIS.S30614.R60019.A00 - A01 (removed from ACS!)

J/psi -> mu+ mu-

5000 events, cross section estimate 25.8pb, integrated luminosity 194pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
JPSIELAS.MUMU.DIS.S30614.A00 - A01 (removed from ACS!) 
Simulated and reconstructed files:
JPSIELAS.MUMU.DIS.S30609.R60017.A00 - A01 (removed from ACS!) 
JPSIELAS.MUMU.DIS.S30609.R60017.A00 - A01 (removed from ACS!) 

J/psi production with proton dissociation

J/psi -> e+ e-

5000 events, cross section estimate 15.9pb, integrated luminosity 310pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
JPSIPDIS.EE.DIS.S30614.A00 - A01 (removed from ACS!)
Simulated and reconstructed files:
JPSIPDIS.EE.DIS.S30609.R60017.A00 - A02 (removed from ACS!)
JPSIPDIS.EE.DIS.S30614.R60019.A00 - A02 (removed from ACS!)

J/psi -> mu+ mu-

5000 events, cross section estimate 15.8pb, integrated luminosity 320pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
JPSIPDIS.MUMU.DIS.S30614.A00 - A01(removed from ACS!)
Simulated and reconstructed files:
JPSIPDIS.MUMU.DIS.S30609.R60017.A00 - A02 (removed from ACS!)
JPSIPDIS.MUMU.DIS.S30614.R60019.A00 - A02 (removed from ACS!)

J/psi photoproduction, 1994 e+ running, decay to leptons

Generated: May 22, 1995 (JPSI????2.*), November 17-22 (JPSI????3.*) by B.L.
Version 1.05/01 (JPSI????2.*), 1.06/00 (JPSI????3.*)

1994 e+ running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Cuts on the scattered electron: none
Kinematic cuts: W>20GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.90 (epsilon_pom = 0.225)
Slope parameter b is constant
Q^2 dependence: MODIFIED VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-2.5, R=1.0*Q^2/m^2

The VDM propagator was modified to give a better description of the Q^2 dependence of the cross section.

Known problems:
The H1SIM version 3.06/11 contained a collimator in the forward region which is not as thick as in reality. This might effect the simulated efficiencies of the forward detectors. To check this, the files were simulated again with H1SIM 3.06/27, where this problem has been fixed.

Diffractive elastic J/psi production

J/psi -> e+ e-

10000 events, cross section estimate 640pb, integrated luminosity 15.5pb^-1

Generator files (2) (3):
Simulated files (3):
Simulated and reconstructed files (2):
JPSIELAS2.EE.S30611.R60017.A00 - A01 (removed from ACS!)

J/psi -> mu+ mu-

10000 events per file, cross section estimate 660pb, integrated luminosity 15.3pb^-1 per file

Generator files (2) (3):
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files (2):
JPSIELAS2.MUMU.S30611.R60017.A00 - A01 (removed from ACS!)

J/psi production with proton dissociation

J/psi -> e+ e-

10000 events, cross section estimate 940pb, integrated luminosity 10.6pb^-1

Generator files (2) (3):
Simulated files (2) (3):
/acs/mc/diffvm10/JPSIPDIS2.EE.S30611.A00 - A02
/acs/mc/diffvm10/JPSIPDIS3.EE.S30627.A00 - A01
Simulated and reconstructed files (2) (3):
JPSIPDIS2.EE.S30611.R60017.A00 - A04 (removed from ACS!)

J/psi -> mu+ mu-

10000 events per file, cross section estimate 930pb, integrated luminosity 10.8pb^-1 per file

Generator files (2) (3):
Simulated files (2, H1SIM 3.06/27):
/acs/mc/diffvm10/JPSIPDIS2.MUMU.S30611.A00 - A02
/acs/mc/diffvm10/JPSIPDIS2.MUMU.S30627.A00 - A02
/acs/mc/diffvm10/JPSIPDIS3.MUMU.S30627.A00 - A02
Simulated and reconstructed files (2):
JPSIPDIS2.MUMU.S30611.R60017.A00 - A04 (removed from ACS!)

J/psi production with isotropic proton dissociation

Modelling of proton dissociation
This file is produced in a special mode of diffVM. For masses M_X of the dissociating proton system below 2.0GeV the dissociating proton is treated as N* resonance, as usual. Above 2.0GeV, however, it is assumed that the proton decays to a nucleon (p or n), and a number of charged and neutral pions, following the KNO scaling law (see K. GOULIANOS: Diffractive interactions of hadrons at high energies. Phys. Rep. 101 (1983) 169-219.). These particles are then distributed isotropically in phase space, using the phase space generator RAMBO (R. KLEISS, W.J. STIRLING & S.D. ELLIS: A new Monte Carlo treatment of multiparticle phase space at high energies. Comp. Phys. Commun. 40 (1986) 359-373.).
This is an extreme model which is not expected to describe the data, particularily the p_T spectrum of the pions originating from the phase space decay is too hard. Therefore results obtained with this Monte Carlo should only be taken as cross check of the robustness of the acceptance of forward detectors against extreme dissociation models.

J/psi -> e+ e-

10000 events, cross section estimate 940pb, integrated luminosity 10.6pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:

J/psi -> mu+ mu-

10000 events per file, cross section estimate 930pb, integrated luminosity 10.8pb^-1 per file

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:

J/psi photoproduction, 1995 e+ running, decay to leptons

Generated: April 6-9, 1996 by B.L.
Version 1.06/02

1995 e+ running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Cuts on the scattered electron: none
Kinematic cuts: W>5.04 GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.90 (epsilon_pom = 0.225); effective rise of the cross section for p-dissociation is W^1.28.
Slope parameter b is constant
Q^2 dependence: MODIFIED VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-2.5, R=1.0*Q^2/m^2

The VDM propagator was modified to give a better description of the Q^2 dependence of the cross section.
Apart from the removal of the kinematic cut on W and a changed b-slope for the p-dissociation files, these files were generated the same way as the files for 1994 running conditions, so that efficiencies are directly comparable.
The cross section estimates are derived from fits to FTPS, H1, and (for the elastic case) ZEUS data. The parametrizatiuon used describes these data (E516, PRL 52:795; ZEUS, DESY 95-052; H1, DESY 96-037) very well, and the estimated cross section is believed to be accurate within 10% (elastic case) to 15% (p-dissociation).

Known problems:
None so far.


Simulation & reconstruction requested.

Diffractive elastic J/psi production

J/psi -> e+ e-

20000 events, cross section estimate 816pb, integrated luminosity 24.5pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:

J/psi -> mu+ mu-

20000 events per file, cross section estimate 815pb, integrated luminosity 24.5pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:

J/psi production with proton dissociation

J/psi -> e+ e-

20000 events, cross section estimate 800pb, integrated luminosity 25.1pb^-1
Pomeron intercept for M_X-dependence: 1.0808 (i.e. d^2 sigma / [d t d M_X^2] = 1/M_X^2[1.0808] )

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:

J/psi -> mu+ mu-

20000 events per file, cross section estimate 790pb, integrated luminosity 25.4pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:

psi' photoproduction, 1994 e+ running, decay to leptons

Generated: April 5, 1995 by B.L.
Version 1.04/00

Status: Simulation and reconstruction of the electron files not requested at the moment.

1994 e+ running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Cuts on the scattered electron: none
Kinematic cuts: W>15GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^1.0 (epsilon_pom = 0.25)
Slope parameter b varies, alpha'_pom = 0.25GeV^-1
Q^2 dependence: standard VDM propagator, R=1.0*Q^2/m^2

The Q^2-dependence may be a bit too flat (i.e. too many events at high Q^2).

Known problems:
Extended GKI bank does not contain helicity information of the photon (words IHELI, FTRANS, EPSIL)
The pipi mass spectrum in the decay psi'->J/psi pi+ pi- does not correspond to the one which was measured in e+e- experiments. The distribution of the three particles is simply accordng to phase space.
Cascade decays via chi states are not included.

Diffractive elastic psi' production

psi' -> e+ e- X (directly or via J/psi)

10000 events, cross section estimate 69pb, integrated luminosity 145pb^-1
b=3.5GeV^-2 at W=14GeV

Generator files:

psi' -> mu+ mu- X (directly or via J/psi)

10000 events, cross section estimate 69pb, integrated luminosity 146pb^-1
b=3.5GeV^-2 at W=14GeV

Generator files:
Simulated files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/PSI2ELAS.MUMU.S30614.A00 - A03
Simulated and reconstructed files:
PSI2ELAS.MUMU.S30614.R60019.A00 - A02 (removed from ACS!)

psi' production with proton dissociation

psi' -> e+ e- X (directly or via J/psi)

10000 events, cross section estimate 102pb, integrated luminosity 98pb^-1
b=2.50GeV^-2 at W=14.00 GeV and M_x=3.00 GeV

Generator files:

psi' -> mu+ mu- X (directly or via J/psi)

10000 events, cross section estimate 108pb, integrated luminosity 93pb^-1
b=2.50GeV^-2 at W=14.00 GeV and M_x=3.00 GeV

Generator files:
Simulated files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/PSI2PDIS.MUMU.S30614.A00 - A03
Simulated and reconstructed files:
PSI2PDIS.MUMU.S30614.R60019.A00 - A04 (removed from ACS!)
PSI2PDIS.MUMU.S30614.R60105.DST.A01 - A03 (removed from ACS!)

psi' photoproduction, 1994, 1995 e+ running, decay to leptons

Generated: April 4 (mumu)/May 29 (ee), 1996 by B.L.
Version 1.06/02 (mumu), 1.07/00 (ee)

Status: files with decay to mu+mu- are finished for 94 and 95 running conditions, files with decay to e+e- have been simulated at RAL, but are not yet on ACS. (13.6.96)

1994 e+ running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Cuts on the scattered electron: none
Kinematic cuts: none
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.9 (epsilon_pom = 0.225), effective rise for p-dissociation files is faster
Slope parameter b constant, alpha'_pom = 0GeV^-2
Q^2 dependence: MODIFIED VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-2.5, R=1.0*Q^2/m^2

The cross section estimate is derived from the J/psi measurements, assuming a ratio of 1:0.2 for J/psi:psi' (as measured), and is believed to be accurate within 20%. The pomeron intercept is assumed to be the same as for J/psi production, as are the b slopes.

Known problems:
The pipi mass spectrum in the decay psi'->J/psi pi+ pi- does not correspond to the one which was measured in e+e- experiments. The distribution of the three particles is simply accordng to phase space.
Cascade decays via chi states are not included for the mumu files.

Diffractive elastic psi' production

psi' -> mu+ mu- X (directly or via J/psi)

20000 events, cross section estimate 110pb, integrated luminosity 170pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/PSI2ELAS4.MUMU.S30627.A00-A01  (1994 detector)
/acs/mc/diffvm10/PSI2ELAS4.MUMU.S30639.A00-A01  (1995 detector)
Simulated and reconstructed files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/PSI2ELAS4.MUMU.S30627.R60108.DST.A00  (1994 detector)
/acs/mc/diffvm10/PSI2ELAS4.MUMU.S30639.R71400.DST.A00  (1995 detector)

psi' -> e+ e- X (directly or via J/psi)

20000 events, cross section estimate 120pb, integrated luminosity 170pb^-1
Pomeron intercept for M_X-dependence: 1.0808 (i.e. d^2 sigma / [d t d M_X^2] = 1/M_X^2[1.0808] )

Generator files:
Simulated files:

Simulated and reconstructed files:

psi' production with proton dissociation

psi' -> mu+ mu- X (directly or via J/psi)

20000 events, cross section estimate 110pb, integrated luminosity 180pb^-1
Pomeron intercept for M_X-dependence: 1.0808 (i.e. d^2 sigma / [d t d M_X^2] = 1/M_X^2[1.0808] )

Generator files:
Simulated files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/PSI2PDIS4.MUMU.S30627.A00-A04  (1994 detector)
/acs/mc/diffvm10/PSI2PDIS4.MUMU.S30639.A00-A04  (1995 detector)
Simulated and reconstructed files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/PSI2PDIS4.MUMU.S30627.R60108.DST.A00  (1994 detector)
/acs/mc/diffvm10/PSI2PDIS4.MUMU.S30639.R71400.DST.A00  (1995 detector)

psi' -> e+ e- X (directly or via J/psi)

20000 events, cross section estimate 110pb, integrated luminosity 180pb^-1
Pomeron intercept for M_X-dependence: 1.0808 (i.e. d^2 sigma / [d t d M_X^2] = 1/M_X^2[1.0808] )

Generator files:
Simulated files:

Simulated and reconstructed files:

Upsilon photoproduction, 1994 e+ running, decay to leptons

Generated: May 24, 1995 by B.L.
Version 1.05/01

1994 e+ running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Cuts on the scattered electron: none
Cuts on the decay leptons: both leptons 4deg < theta < 175 deg
Kinematic cuts: W>11.4GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.90 (epsilon_pom = 0.225)
Slope parameter b constant
Q^2 dependence: MODIFIED VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-2.5, R=1.0*Q^2/m^2

Remarks: Cross section may be off by a factor of 10 or more!

Known problems:
None so far.

Diffractive elastic Upsilon production

Upsilon -> e+ e-

2500 events, cross section estimate 0.3pb, integrated luminosity 9000pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
UPSILONEL.EE.S30614.R60019.A00 (removed from ACS!)

Upsilon -> mu+ mu-

2500 events, cross section estimate 0.3pb, integrated luminosity 9600pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
UPSILONEL.MUMU.S30614.R60019.A00 (removed from ACS!)

Upsilon production with proton dissociation

Upsilon -> e+ e-

2500 events, cross section estimate 0.3pb, integrated luminosity 8100pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
UPSILONPD.EE.S30614.R60019.A00 (removed from ACS!)

Upsilon -> mu+ mu-

2500 events, cross section estimate 0.3pb, integrated luminosity 8300pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
Simulated and reconstructed files:
UPSILONPD.MUMU.S30614.R60019.A00 (removed from ACS!)

Photon Dissociation, 1994 e+ running

Generated: November 1, 1995 by B.L.
Version 1.06/01

1994 running conditions, 27.55GeV positrons on 820GeV protons.
Cuts on the scattered electron: E>8GeV, theta<175deg
Kinematic cuts: Q^2>6.5GeV^2, W>10GeV
W-dependence of the differential cross section: W^0.5 (epsilon_pom = 0.125),
Slope parameter b is constant
Q^2 dependence: Modified VDM propagator: (1+Q^2/m^2)^-3, m=0.77GeV, R limited to 3

This is really a toy model for photon dissociation, where a mass M_X is chosen at the photon-pomeron-vertex according to a 1/M_X distribution, and the mass is assumed to decay to a q-qbar pair collinear with the photon's flight direction. The q-qbar pair is then linked with a Lund string and fragmented with JETSET.
The cross section estimate should not be taken too seriously.

10000 events, cross section estimate 550pb, integrated luminosity 19.0pb^-1

Generator files:
Simulated files:
/acs/mc/diffvm10/RHODISS2.DIS.S30627.A00 - A01
Simulated and reconstructed files:
RHODISS2.DIS.S30627.R60107.A00 - A03 (removed from ACS!)