Cornering New Physics with Generic Precision Calculations
Funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), this independent Emmy Noether group investigates precision calculations of Higgs-boson properties for Beyond-the-Standard-Model phenomenology.
The group was announced on DESY News.
Current group members
Dr. Felix Egle
Postdoctoral researcher
Alain Verduras Schaeidt
Ph.D student
Publications, preprints, and proceedings
(Group member names are underlined in the lists of authors)
[1] New constraints on extended scalar sectors from the trilinear Higgs coupling, Henning Bahl, Johannes Braathen, Georg Weiglein.
Proceedings of the EPS-HEP 2023 conference, PoS EPS-HEP2023 (2024) 409, arXiv:2310.20664 (DESY-23-163).
[2] Experimental probes and theoretical concepts for BSM trilinear couplings: a case study for scalar top quarks, Henning Bahl, Johannes Braathen, Georg Weiglein.
Proceedings of the EPS-HEP 2023 conference, PoS EPS-HEP2023 (2024) 473, arXiv:2310.20655 (DESY-23-164).
[3] Precise predictions for the trilinear Higgs self-coupling in the Standard Model and beyond, Henning Bahl, Johannes Braathen, Martin Gabelmann, Georg Weiglein.
Proceedings of the EPS-HEP 2023 conference, PoS EPS-HEP2023 (2024) 407, arXiv:2311.01134 (DESY-23-166).
[4] Probing the Inert Doublet Model via Vector-Boson Fusion at a Muon Collider, Johannes Braathen, Martin Gabelmann, Tania Robens, Panagiotis Stylianou, arXiv:2411.13729 (DESY-24-170).
[5] Sensitivity to Triple Higgs Couplings via Di-Higgs Production in the RxSM at the (HL-)LHC and future e+e− Colliders, Fransisco Arco, Sven Heinemeyer, Margarete Mühlleitner, Andrea Parra Arnay, Nestor Rivero González, Alain Verduras Schaeidt, arXiv:2502.03878 (DESY-24-213).
Talks given by group members
[1] Resonant di-Higgs production in the RxSM: Pure resonant vs. full cross sections, parallel talk at the 20th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group, CERN (15 November 2023; speaker: AVS)
[2] Searches for New Physics via precision calculations of the trilinear Higgs coupling, plennary talk at the 4th Quantum Universe Day 2023, DESY and University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany (21 November 2023; speaker: JB)
[3] The importance of interference in resonant di-Higgs production in the RxSM, parallel talk at the 4th Quantum Universe Day 2023, DESY and University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany (21 November 2023; speaker: speaker: AVS)
[4] Probing New Physics with precision calculations of the trilinear Higgs coupling, department seminar at the Institut Ruder Boskovic, Zagreb, Croatia (5 December 2023; speaker: JB)
[5] Trilinear Higgs coupling sensitivity in e+ e− → Zh angular measurements -- theory considerations, talk at the ECFA meeting on e+ e− → Zh angular measurements, online (12 December 2023; speaker: JB)
[6] Precise predictions for the trilinear Higgs coupling in arbitrary models with anyH3, plenary talk at the Rencontres de Physique des Particules 2024 (RPP 2024), Sorbonne University, Paris, France (26 January 2024; speaker: JB)
[7] Di-Higgs production for the RxSM at the HL-LHC and the importance of the interference in the resonant production, plenary talk at the Rencontres de Physique des Particules 2024 (RPP 2024), Sorbonne University, Paris, France (26 January 2024; speaker: AVS)
[8] Resonant di-Higgs production in the RxSM considering one-loop corrections for the triple Higgs couplings: Pure resonant vs. full cross sections, parallel talk at the DPG meeting, Karlsruhe, Germany (5 March 2024; speaker: AVS)
[9] Cornering New Physics with precision calculations of Higgs-boson properties, seminar at LPTHE, Paris, France (5 March 2024; speaker: JB)
[10] Cornering New Physics with precision calculations of Higgs-boson properties, DESY Theory seminar, Hamburg, Germany (13 May 2024; speaker: JB)
[11] Higgs self-coupling: Precise predictions in arbitrary models, invited talk at the ECFA Mini-workshop on the Higgs self-coupling focus topic, online (15 May 2024; speaker: JB)
[12] Precise predictions for the trilinear Higgs coupling in arbitrary models with anyH3, parallel talk at the SUSY 2024 Conference, IFT Madrid, Spain (13 June 2024; speaker: JB)
[13] Di-Higgs production in the RxSM at the HL-LHC taking into account one-loop corrections to the trilinear Higgs couplings, parallel talk at the SUSY 2024 Conference, IFT Madrid, Spain (13 June 2024; speaker: AVS)
[14] Two-loop calculations of the trilinear Higgs coupling in general renormalisable theories, parallel talk at the SUSY 2024 Conference, IFT Madrid, Spain (13 June 2024; speaker: JB)
[15] Di-Higgs production with loop-corrected trilinear couplings in the RxSM, talk at the KUTS@DESY workshop, DESY, Hamburg, Germany (27 June 2024, speaker: AVS)
[16] Di-Higgs production in the RxSM at the HL-LHC including one loop corrections to the trilinear Higgs couplings in a SFOEWPT scenario, talk at the Higgs Days at Santander 2024 workshop, IFCA, Santander, Spain (12 September 2024, speaker: AVS)
[17] Looking for a SFOEWPT in the RxSM at the HL-LHC, talk at the DESY Theory Workshop 2024, DESY, Hamburg, Germany (25 September 2024, speaker: AVS)
[18] Models with large modifications of the trilinear Higgs coupling and their implications for LHC physics (and future colliders), invited plennary talk at the conference Multi-Boson Interactions 2024, Toulouse, France (26 September 2024, speaker: JB)
[19] Extended Higgs sectors and their corresponding trilinear couplings, invited parallel talk at the conference QCD@LHC 2024, Freiburg, Germany (7 October 2024, speaker: JB)
[20] Sensitivity to detecting New Physics effects first in the trilinear Higgs coupling, parallel talk at the ECFA 2024 Workshop, Paris, France (10 October 2024, speaker: JB)
[21] Looking for a SFOEWPT in the RxSM at the HL-LHC and LISA, contributed talk at the workshop Extended Scalar Sectors From All Angles, CERN, Switzerland (24 October 2024, speaker: AVS)
[22] Renormalization of extended scalar sectors, invited review talk at the workshop Extended Scalar Sectors From All Angles, CERN, Switzerland (25 October 2024, speaker: JB)
[23] Higgs Pair Production in a Composite 2HDM, talk at the LHC Higgs Working Group WG3 (BSM) -- Extended Higgs Sector subgroup meeting, online (12 November 2024, speaker: FE)
[24] BSM effects in the trilinear Higgs coupling, invited talk at the IDT-WG3-Physics Open Meeting, online (15 November 2024, speaker: JB)
[25] Probing New Physics with precision calculations of Higgs-boson properties, institute seminar at Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany (21 November 2024, speaker: JB)
[26] Intelligent Scans in the NMSSM at Highest Precision, lightning talk at the 21th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group, CERN (15 November 2023; speaker: FE)
[27] Looking for a SFOEWPT in the RxSM at the HL-LHC and LISA, parallel talk at the Helmholtz ``Matter and the Universe'' Days 2024, DESY, Hamburg, Germany (12 December 2024; speaker: AVS)
[28] Higgs Pair Production in a Composite 2HDM, poster at the Helmholtz ``Matter and the Universe'' Days 2024, DESY, Hamburg, Germany (12 December 2024; speaker: FE)
[29] Extended Higgs Sectors to solve the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe, institute seminar at the Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA), Santander, Spain (19 December 2024; speaker: AVS)
[30] Probing the shape of the Higgs potential with the trilinear Higgs coupling and di-Higgs production, poster at the Helmholtz PoF Review of DESY activities, DESY, Hamburg, Germany (11 February 2025; speaker: JB)
Science outreach
* What is a Higgs boson, and why do we study it?, talk at the Science City Day 2024 (1st June 2024; speaker: JB)
KUTS@DESY, the 13th edition of the KUTS workshop series on precision calculations for Beyond-the-Standard-Model phenomenology, was held at DESY from 26-28 June 2024, and supported by the Emmy Noether grant.