Dr. rer. nat. Elmar Vogel
SRF photoinjector project leader,
Phone: +49-40-8998-1529
Mobile: +49-160-7431-124
Fax: +49-40-8994-1529
Mobile: +49-160-7431-124
Fax: +49-40-8994-1529
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Turning a wide range of basic science into new technology operating 24/7 for decades according to specification. This is the interdisciplinary subject of superconducting RF (SRF) accelerator technology. Currently, most DESY colleagues dealing with this technology are working on high duty cycle (HDC) operation modes to further increase the scientific yield of the European XFEL. Same for me. I am organizing the development of a SRF photoinjector operating continuous wave (CW) as the source of the beam. In addition, you will also find information on my work and professional interests in other areas. Please enter…