Invited lectures at the Uni HH:
Von der Urknalltheorie zur Krebstherapie Die Breite des Physikstudiums, Bericht über den Studiengang Physik an der Universität Hamburg. Detector Development for Particle Physics and medicine, Orientirung BAchelor und MAster (OBAMA)
Invited lectures at other institutes:
Development of Pixelated Detectors In Medicine, 29 Sept. 2016, MPI Colloquium, Munich Radiation Hardness of SiPMs, 4th April, 2016, 9th Terascale detector workshop, Freiburg Digital and analog SiPMs for HEP and medicine, 31st March - 11th April, 2014, Bethe Forum, Bonn (part I) Radiation damage on silicon photo-multipliers, 31st March - 11th April, 2014, Bethe Forum, Bonn (part II) The EndoTOFPET-US project, 1st June, 2014, DESY seminar Medicine and Particles, 2nd Oct., 2013, CERN open day
Organized Schools and Workshops:
4. Detector Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance Physics at the Terascale (2011)