Selected potential thesis projects (Bachelor, Master, PhD) (under construction, status 6 April 2023)
Bachelor project (experimental CMS): (or parts as internship/summer student project)Combined Z to two lepton and Higgs to four lepton distributions from CMS and ATLAS (Open) Data ![]() ![]() Abstract/Physics motivation:Higgs to four lepton distributions from CMS Run I Open Data, and Z to two lepton distributions from both CMS and ATLAS Open Data were already studied in previous (summer student) projects. All relevant Higgs data from both Run 1 and Run 2 have already been published by both collaborations. ATLAS has recently released the full 2016 subset of their two- and four-lepton data for educational purposes, sufficiently detailed for the purpose of this project. CMS has recently significantly extended its full research grade Open Data sets, about doubling the available statistics. More will be released by the ned of 2023. For CMS-internal purposes, the full statistics of all Run 1 and Run 2 data sets is available. Producing combined two- and four-lepton mass distributions from CMS and ATLAS, adapting the already existing tools to all available Open Data statistics, will set benchmarks for potential common analysis of CMS and ATLAS Open Data. For LHCb, corresponding dilepton data are also available since end of 2022. Adding all the available not yet open CMS data can yield Z and Higgs distributions with the highest statistics ever produced (for internal purposes until either the data are released or the collaborations agree to make the plots public). The results will also be used for the benchmarking of the respective detector resolutions and for the validation of alignment calibration studies.
Short description of the project the student should work on:
possibly with associated charm production, including CMS, ATLAS and LHCb Open Data The world's highest statistics Higgs and Z mass distributions; The world's only public Higgs and Z mass distributions from more than one experiment; Learning/working with ROOT and C++; validation of nanoAODplus and nATLASAOD; comparison of detector resolutions; Bonus: Search for Z+J/psi, Z+Upsilon, H->ZZ*->Z+J/psi, H->ZZ*->Z+Upsilon (technically member of CMS collaboration) |
Bachelor or Master project (experimental ZEUS): (or parts as internship or summer student project)J/psi and D meson production in ZEUS, CMS, LHCb and ALICE (Open) Data Abstract/Physics motivation:
The study of open and hidden charm production in ep and pp collisions is
one of the means to understand Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) at the boundary of
the perturbative and nonperturbative regimes. |
Master project (experimental CMS): (already allocated in collaboration with Perugia)Measurement of the total cross section for charm production in pp interactions at 900 GeV with CMS Abstract/physics motivation:Measurements of the total charm cross section at 5, 7 and 13 TeV are ongoing in CMS. Besides the measurements themselves, the goal is to extract constraints on the charm mass, on PDFs, and on other QCD parameters through the comparison with NNLO QCD predictions from the sqrt(s) dependence. The cross section at 900 GeV has never been measured at any experiment and would strongly extend the lever arm of the theory comparison.content of the project:bachelor (3 months, up to 5 months if courses are still followed in parallel) or master (first two months):master only (further four months) (or excellent bachelor student) Physics skill needed: Computing skills needed: output goal:
DESY co-supervisor: Achim Geiser (also Privatdozent Uni-HH)
+ co-supervision by PhD student Time scale: project already allocated Presence at DESY during the project: between 30% and 100%, depending upon arrangement; or external cosupervision. |
Bachelor or Master project (phenomenology):Extraction of the total cross section for charm production in pp interactions at 5 TeV from ALICE, CMS and LHCb cross section measurements Abstract/Physics motivation:ALICE, CMS and LHCb have published single (ALICE,CMS) and double (LHCb) differential measurements of charm production in pp interactions at 5 TeV. An extension of the CMS measurement to double differential cross sections is ongoing but not yet public. No ATLAS measurements exist so far. The goal in the context of the ongoing HonexComb project (project for the combination of cross sections from all four LHC experiments in the fields of QCD and heavy ion physics) is to combine the kinematic ranges of the already published results from the three experiments and interpolate/extrapolate them to a common total cross section in pp interactions at 5 TeV. If the ongoing new CMS result will be ready in time it should also be included.workflow of the project:bachelor (3 months, up to 5 months if courses are still followed in parallel) or master (first two months):master (further four months) Physics skill needed: Goal for output:
possibly contribution to HonexComb publication
DESY co-supervisor: Achim Geiser (also Privatdozent Uni-HH)
+ support by PhD student Time scale: any time from January 2023, the earlier the better Presence at DESY during the project: between 30% and 100%, depending upon arrangement |
Master or PhD project:Associated Z+D meson production in pp collisions at CMS Details of Z+charm project: The cross section for low pt associated Z+c production was one of the dominant uncertainties of the ATLAS W mass measurement. Besides the QCD interest in itself, a measurement of this cross section could thus improve the determination of the W mass. The relative rapidity distribution of Z and charm could also be used to determine the contribution from double parton scattering. The analysis could also be used as a benchmark for a later associated Higgs+charm analysis, to constrain the Higgs-charm Yukawa coupling. practical details: apply existing inclusive D* and D meson analysis to Z->mumu/ee final states, derive cross sections, cross correlate to W+charm to reduce uncertainty on W mass measurement.starting time: 2023 |
Master or PhD project:beauty production near threshold in CMS Details of the project: implement ZEUS b detection in CMS, apply to total beauty cross section, Z+b and H+b. ZEUS has used an efficient inclusive b tagging algorithm for low pt b's, based on track pseudojets. Port that algorithm to CMS in collaboration with the BTV group and apply it to inclusive beauty production down to threshold, as well as to associated production. Derive cross sections. |
PhD project (already allocated, 7 TeV close to completion; 13 TeV part might need follow-up; 13.6 TeV part (Run 3) would be new):Measurement of differential and total charm cross sections in CMS Details of the project: Measure charm cross sections at different center-of-mass energies, compare with theory and other experiments, derive total cross sections. Compare to NNLO. |
Master or PhD project (building upon earlier project):Measurement of differential and total beauty cross sections in CMS Details of the project: Measure charm final states at different center-of-mass energies, separate charm and beauty constributions to derive beauty cross sections, compare with theory and other experiments, derive total cross sections. |
PhD project (already allocated/close to completion):Measurement of inclusive Jet cross sections in DIS with ZEUS and determination of the strong coupling constant. Details of the project: measure the inclusive Jet cross section in DIS with ZEUS data, and relate it to the already published dijet cross sections. Integrate into combined fit of other Jet cross sections at both HERA and LHC and measure the strong coupling constant alphas to NNLO precision. Investigate and apply novel methods for the treatment of the theoretical QCD uncertainties. |
PhD project (already allocated, will partially need follow-up):charm production and study of charm fragmentation in CMS Details of the project: measure D*,D0,D+,Ds, and Lambdac vs. transverse momentum and rapidity. Establish nonunversality of charm fragmentation as already found e.g. by ALICE and contribute to finding explanations by covering full phase space. |
Other ideas for potential projects (actual projects still to be formulated):Generate inclusive 4 muon, 2 muon + 2 electron, and 4 electron mass spectra (isolated and nonisolated high quality muons, isolated low quality muons, isolated electrons, primary and detached) Look for W -> Z* + W* -> mumu +D(*)(s); H -> Z+Z* -> Z + J/psi or Upsilon; Ds ->phi pi -> mumu pi; eta_c -> phiphi-> mumuKK; Feasability study of a search for the B+L-violating "EW instanton" process p+p -> e+ + mu+ + D0bar + D0bar + K0 Look for QCD sphaleron (ddbar+uubar+ssbar mass ~ 3 GeV) in CMS+Totem data (tagged proton)? (E Shuryak); also eta_c -> ddbar+uubar+ssbar -> KKpi, pipieta, pipieta', hep-ph/0008048; note m(ddbar+uubar+ssbar) ~ 2mrho+mphi+ a bit? thus m(ddbar+uubar+ssbar+ccbar) ~ 2mrho + mphi + mpsi ~ 7 GeV? D+Dbar+K+Kbar; m(ddbar+uubar+ssbar+ccbar+bbbar) ~ 20 GeV? B + Bbar + D + Dbar + pi; look for J/psi+Dstar+mu+X? (Omega_bcc?) Details: Do prestudies to formulate a project. |