C +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C EAZE CONTROL CARDS OTHER THAN I/O + time + B-Field C +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C C ==========>>> MOZART/GEANT control cards (for BREMAT) <<<============== C (copied from Vincenzo Chiochia) C C+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C MOZART C -------- C zeus_run mozart pro/exe/mozart_g313_v2000b.1 C zeus_run field pro/field/s3955c889y3000_sca.map C C++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C C 1. GEANT: GENERAL JOB CONTROL CARDS C ====== C C Reference: BASE040 section of the GEANT 3 Manual C C Go to job termination phase when < 120 sec CPU time left; (the "2=" is C FFREAD way of setting the parameter on the TIME card, which is the one we C want!) C Geant-TIME 0.0 0.0 3600000 C C Commented out on request of Dave G. C ZeusReco-AOPT NONE C C FirstEvent to DEBUg, LastEvent to DEBUg (IDEBUG=1), and Frequency of C *** GTRIGI start of event message. (So 0 0 1 would not set IDEBUG for any C events, but you would get the GTRIGI message EVERY event.) C Geant-DEBU 1 1 1 Geant-SWIT 0 0 C C Set your own Random number seeds. C Geant-RNDM 0 0 C C Set Run number and first event number if you don't want 1 and 1. C Geant-RUNG 1 0 C C Number of Events to process, whether generated by Mozart itself C or read from an external file. The Mozart job will stop after C processing the number of events specified on the TRIG card. C c Geant-TRIG 10 C C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C C 2. GEANT: CONTROL OF PHYSICAL PROCESSES C ====== C C Reference: BASE040 and PHYS001 sections of the GEANT 3 Manual C C Value 1 for the ANNI,BREM,COMP,DRAY,HADR,MUNU,PAIR,PHOT cards C activates the process WITH generation of secondaries. C Value 0 turns off the process. C Geant-ANNI 1 (positron annihilation) Geant-BREM 1 (bremsstrahlung) Geant-COMP 1 (compton scattering) Geant-DRAY 1 (delta ray) Geant-HADR 1 (hadronic interactions) Geant-MUNU 1 (muon nuclear interactions) Geant-PAIR 1 (pair production) Geant-PHOT 1 (photo electric effect) Geant-PFIS 0 (photo fission) Geant-MULS 1 (multiple scattering) C C 0: No Mult. scattering C 1: Gaussian C 2: Moliere C C ** Don't touch the CUTS card, unless you REALLY know what you are doing... C and even then don't!!! C Kinetic energy (GeV) cuts for: C gammas electrons neutral charged muons electron muon C hadrons hadrons brem. brem. Geant-CUTS 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.001 C electron muon muon TOF cut C d-ray d-ray pair (sec.) 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.000001 C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C C 3. HERA: Beam conditions. C ===== C C Set proton and electron beam momenta (GeV). Defaults: 820. , 30. Note that C these beam momenta values will be OVER-RIDDEN by the values used by ZDIS, C as appropriate. Expect ZDIS with positrons. C ZG3xxTn-BEAM 920.0 27.6 1. C C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C C 4. ZGEN: SET DETECTOR STATUS DATE C ===== C C TRGTDATE is the date/time which specifies the Detector status of the MCarlo C events. (e.g. controls selection of Geom. etc.) C c for 1995 data: ZGEN-TRGTDATE (yyyymmdd) 19951019 (hhmmss) 000001 c for 1996/97 data c ZGEN-TRGTDATE (yyyymmdd) 19961115 (hhmmss) 000001 c for 1998/2000 data c ZGEN-TRGTDATE (yyyymmdd) 20000821 (hhmmss) 000001 c for 2003/05 data c ZGEN-TRGTDATE (yyyymmdd) 20040622 (hhmmss) 000001 C C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C C 5. MOZART: I/O and RELATED CARDS C ======= C C Reference : ZRIO Zeus-note 91-103. C C ZDIS INPUT: C C Note that if you activate ZeusIO input, then any active KINE card selection C (to generate events inside Mozart itself) is IGNORED. Of course it's tidier C and less confusing to comment out KINE cards if you are reading events in. C C ZeusIO-IDFL ALL C ZeusIO-IOPT MEDIUM=DISK,DRIVER=FZ,FILFOR=EXCH C ZeusIO-INFI zdis.fz C C Smear vertex of Input data: (only meaningful with ZDIS input) SigVx, SigVy, C SigVz: >0 Gaussian sigma; <0 Flat distribution of width 2*Sig. Units cm. C C C SigVx SigVy SigVz C ZGEN-ZDISVERT 0.0 0.0 0.0 C C C Boost and rotate input to simulate beam tilt and emittance. C If ABS(Px) proton > 820, no simulation is attempted (default). C Make sure electron z momentum is negative! C C First five proton, second electron C Px Py Pz SigPx SigPy C ZGEN-ZBEMIT 0.033 -0.068 920.0 0.040 0.090 C 0.007 0.000 -27.6 0.004 0.001 C C TNNL rotation alpha beta gamma around X,Y,Z axes (gamma not used) C C ZG3xxTn-TNROT 0.00000 -0.00028 0.0 C C MOZART OUTPUT: c ZeusIO-DEFDFL MCRAWDATA = MCRAWDATA95A LMEBRE VCLCF BPEVT1 LPFLT TCCGHT USRTB1 USRTB2 USRTB3 T8MAIN BPTRWD PBTENE TRDRAW FPGHit FPTENE ZeusIO-ODFL HEAD,MCTRUTH,MCRAWDATA,PHASE1 C C ZeusIO-OUFI mozart.fz C ZeusIO-OOPT MEDIUM=DISK,DRIVER=FZ,FILFOR=EXCH C C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C 6. ZEUS: Geometry GAF files. C ===== C ZDIN-PATH gaf/ ZDIN-CAT gaf/zdd_load.rz C ZDIN-CAT gaf/test_num16v2_zdd_load.rz C ZDIN-PCAT 1 C C Remove the ZDIN-PCAT card to suppress printing of the geometry catalogue. C C MOZFORCE card. This forces the use of certain dataflows in the MOZART C generation. The new zrecon library(30415) routines check if this card has C been used and proceeds use the same dataflows C C NOTE: CTD expert card TCCALI-TCUSIN in the ZEPHYR cards will override this C procedure, which is NOT what you want when using this card. C C Dfl name version Comments C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C ZDIN-MOZFORCE CTDCALIBRATIONA01 1009 CTDCALIBRATIONA02 1009 CTDCALIBRATIONA03 1009 CTDCALIBRATIONA04 1009 CTDCALIBRATIONA05 1009 CTDCALIBRATIONA06 1009 CTDCALIBRATIONA07 1009 C C C C C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C C 8. ZG3xxTn: DETECTOR GEOMETRY+DIGITIZINGS C ======== C C Reference: P=COMMENT,D=COMRUN and D=COMCARD C C The first number selects detector geometry: 0 None C 1 Normal/detailed geometry C 2 "Porridge" C The 2nd number selects recording of : 0 No recording C Hits/Digitizings. 1 Normal recording C 2 Special options C C Note: For FCAL/RCAL/BCAL the only geometry options are 0 or 2 C For LPS geometry = 2 sets up station 4 to 6 ('93, '94 runs) C For SRTD geometry = 2 sets up '93 prototype. C For LUMI geometry = 22 corresponds for the most expected 94 runs, C without collimator and with 1 rad. lenght C filter and shielding. C hits only 0 or 2 allowed. C For PRES geometry = xyz x=0 Rear off, =1 on, y=Barrel, z=Forward C ZG3xxTn-VTX 0 (geometry) 0 (hits) ZG3xxTn-CTD 1 (geometry) 2 (PDA hits) ZG3xxTn-FTD 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-RTD 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-TRD 1 (geometry) ZG3xxTn-FCAL 2 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-RCAL 2 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-BCAL 2 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-FHES 1 (geometry) 1 (nohits) ZG3xxTn-RHES 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-BHES 0 (geometry) 0 (nohits) ZG3xxTn-BACA 1 (geometry) 2 (hits) ZG3xxTn-FMUO 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-BMUO 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-TNNL 1 (geometry) ZG3xxTn-VETO 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-C5SI 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-LPS 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-FNC 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-SRTD 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-PRT 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-LUMI 27 (geometry) 2 (hits) ZG3xxTn-PRES 111 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-BPC 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-BPT 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTN-TG8M 1 (geometry) 1 (hits) ZG3xxTn-FPC 2 (geometry) 1 (hits) C C--Common for FPC porridge/shower terminator tuning parameters C attn length NUTERMinos) C | porridge sampling fractions (by energy type) C | E/M dE/dX NUTERM C | | | | porridge resolution C | | | | coeffs (by energy type) C | | | | E/M dE/dX NUTERM C | | | | | | | C Real SIGRFP,SAMFP1,SAMFP2,SAMFP3,SIGFP1,SIGFP2,SIGFP3 C Common/FPCTUN/SIGRFP,SAMFP1,SAMFP2,SAMFP3,SIGFP1,SIGFP2,SIGFP3 C +, SCLFPC,SCLCAL C | | C | Re-scale factor in CAL for NUTERMINO C | coming from the outside of CAL C Re-scale factor in FPC for NUTERMINO coming C from the outside of FPC C C FPC test NUTERm and Sampling Fraction Parameters ZG3xxTn-FPCPOR 6.0 0.0185 0.030 0.08 0.40 -1.0 0.40 0.15 1. C C C Dead material. C C ZG3xxTn-DEAD 0 0 0 0 C >0 Remove solenoid coil C >0 Remove beampipe including C4 and C5 C >0 Remove both solenoid and beampipe C C Check of geometry C ZG3xxTn-MAME 0 C >0: prints all Geometry/media/particle info. after initialisation C >1: prints event details after each event. C C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C C 8.1 F/R/B-CAL: CAL control cards C ========== C C Reference: P=COMMENT,D=COMRUN and D=COMCARD C C Fast treatment of Uranium CALorimeters (FCAL,RCAL,BCAL) of Jose del Peso C Read documentation: ZRPAM:ZG313T4.CAR / +PATCH,FASTUC C ZG3xxTn-UCFAST 0 C 0 : No fast treatment C 1 : Fast treatment with Geant UCAL geometry C 2 : Fast treatment with simplified UCAL geometry. C C Shower terminators: C ZG3xxTn-TERM 1 (mixture) 1 (emterm) 1(nuterm) 20 (lumi full cascade) C 1 : Depleted U mixture, rather than very detailed "sandwich" C 1 : use ZEUS e.m. shower terminator C INACTIVE 11: use (modifed) neutron shower terminator C 1: use neutron shower terminator C 20 switch off EMTERM for Z<-5.8 C C C BCAL shift option ( experts only !!! ) C C ZG3xxTn-BCXYZ 0.0 0.0 -0.65 <- the default in Num96t2.0 C ZG3xxTn-BCXYZ 0.0 0.0 0.0 C C !!EXPERTS ONLY!! DUNO PHOTO Set U-Noise and Photostat. processing C Default if no card: TRUE TRUE C CCGEN-NPHXPRT FALSE FALSE C C !!EXPERTS ONLY!! PECOPAR Set threshold (MeV) for compression. C Default if no card: 64.0 C CCGEN-CMPRXPRT 32.0 C C Zero-Suppression: Don't write if E(MeV) less than: C ON=1.0/OFF=0.0 EMC HAC0 HAC1 HAC2 C Default if no card: 1.0 20. 20. 20. 20. C C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C 8.2 C4/C5 Collimators : Control cards. C ================== C C Data card ZG3xxTn-C4C5 control the positions of C4 and C5 movable C absorbers. Default: Open position C C ZG3xxTn-C4C5 2.8 4.0 3.0 7.0 (Default ie C4 and C5 Opened) C C ZG3xxTn-C4C5 1.0 2.9 1.2 5.5 (C4 and C5 Closed) C | | | | C | | | ---> C5 x-neg. side (5.5 to 7.0 cm) C | | -------> C5 x-pos. side (1.2 to 3.0 cm) C | -----------> C4 x-neg. side (2.9 to 4.0 cm) C ---------------> C4 x-pos. side (1.0 to 2.8 cm) C C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C 8.4 HES: configuration control cards. C ==== C C =1: HES installed in F/R-cal module, =0 not installed. C C -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ZG3xxTn-FHOP 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 ZG3xxTn-RHOP 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 C C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------C C 8.5 LUMI: control cards. C ===== C C Over-ride default LUMI parameters: C Calibration constants, the value of the last parameter corresponds: C 0. use calibration constants from GAF C 1. use calibration constants from LUCCON card C C SADCLG SADCRG SADCLE SADCRE PEDLG PEDRG PEDLE PEDRE ZG3xxTn-LUCCON 7.0 7.0 8.5 8.5 8.0 7.0 13.5 10.5 0. C C This card over-rides the default values of the LUMI parameters, C SADCLG,.....PEDRE, provided the "Action" value (9th parameter) is 1.0. C The values shown above DIFFER from the program defaults: C 7.66 7.92 8.26 8.40 4.58 5.29 3.39 3.84 C which are no longer considered optimal. C So the card should be used if you have LUMI switched on. C C Special Lumi cards for vertex and tilt determination. C parameters 1 - 6 descibe , , , sigx, sigy, sigz C If last(13) parameter LUVETI card is 0 then parameter C 7 = tilx, 8 = tilty C If last(13) parameter LUVETI card is 1 then parameter C 7=tiltx1, 8=tiltx2, 9=tilty1, 10=tilty2, 11=tilty3, 12=tilty4 C puted in increasing order!!. C ZG3xxTn-LUVETI 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. C C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C E N D O F M O Z A R T C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C C =====================>>> VCEAZE control cards <<<========================== C only needed if VCYPCO is used in BREMAT, not for VCATCO C C A B C VCRECO-VCDUAL 1 1 ! CTDonlyandREGULAR C VCRECO-VCDUAL 0 1 ! REGULAR cVCRECO-VCDUAL 1 0 ! CTDonly C cVCRECO-VCREAL 1 0 !Realdata C VCRECO-VCREAL 0 0 !Mozartdata C C =====================>>> BREMAT control cards <<<========================== C C IniGea (0/1) C BREMAT-INIGEA 1 to be initialized by MPMINI! BREMAT-INIGEA 0 C C BREDEBUG (0/1) ERRLUN (error unit) BREMAT-DEBUG 0 6 C C vcPmin vcThdmin BREMAT-TRKCUT 1. 20. C C iSLmnc iSLmxc BREMAT-TRKSLC 1 3 C C DHmax ZHmax ChiTrkcut BREMAT-TRKVCQ 10. 75. 5. C C MATCUT CutMode (0/1/2) Chi2max xyResMax1 BREMAT-MATCUT 150. 0 20. 50. C C VCeaz (0=VCATCAL;1=VCYPCO;2=VCATCAL+VCYPCO) BREMAT-VCMODE 0 C C MBrec (0/1) PmbKalm (0/1) ResYstrip (0/1) BREMAT-PMBMOD 1 0 1 C C Align (0/1) BREMAT-ALIGN 1 C C Check MC (0/1) BREMAT-MCCHK 1 C C C ===============>>> end of GEANT/BREMAT control cards <<<===================== C