Andreas Gellrich

DESY Hamburg

Dr. Andreas Gellrich
Dipl. Physicist
Notkestr. 85
22607 Hamburg
Building 01d, room O1.418
Phone: +49 40 8998-2732
E-mail: Andreas_(DOT)_Gellrich_(AT)_desy_(DOT)_de

Recent publications (selection)

  • Operating the Belle II Collaborative Services and Tools (paper, talk) (4-8 November, 2019) (CHEP2019, Melbourne, Australia) (published in: EPJ Web of Conferences 245, 08009 (2020))

  • Migrating the Belle II Collaborative Services and Tools (paper, poster) (10-14 Oct, 2016), (CHEP2016, San Francisco, California, USA) (published in: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 898 102014 (2017))

  • Job Scheduling in Grid Farms (paper, poster) (14-18 Oct, 2013), (CHEP 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) (published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 513, 3, 032038)

  • Optimizing Resource Utilization in Grid Batch Systems (paper, poster) (21-25 May, 2012), (CHEP 2012, New York City, U.S.A.) (published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 396, 4, 04022)


    Since 2013 I am member of the Belle and Belle II collaboration. Since 2020 I coordinate the Belle II computing activities of the DESY BELLE group and since 2016 the Belle II collaborative services at DESY.

    Until 2020 I coordinated the Grid activities in Grid Computing.

    From 2005 until 2014 I chaired the joined DESY and Hamburg University's "Seminar on Scientific Computing".

    DESY BELLE (2020-)

    DESY BELLE Group.

    DESY IT (2001-2020)

    DESY IT Group.

    Refer to the web page for collections of my talks for DESY IT. I also host the web page Grid Computing at DESY.

    HERA-B (1995-2000)

    The HERA-B online event reconstruction farm

    Refer to the web page for a collection of my papers, notes, and minutes for HERA-B.

    H1 (1989-1995)

    "Evidence for Open Charm  with the H1 Detector at HERA" (Ph.D.Thesis) (June 1994).

    Academic Career

    2020- (Staff)

    DESY Hamburg, BELLE Group

    2001-2020 (Staff)

    DESY Hamburg, IT Group (Scientific Computing)

    2000-2001 (Postdoc)

    Humboldt-University Berlin, Physics Institute (HERA-B)

    1995-2000 (DESY Fellow)

    DESY Zeuthen, Exp (HERA-B)

    1994-1995 (Postdoc)

    DESY Hamburg, FH1T (H1)

    1991-1994 (Graduate Student, Ph.D. Thesis)

    Hamburg University, II. Institute for Experimental Physics (H1)

    1989-1990 (Undergraduate Student, Diploma Thesis)

    Hamburg University, II. Institute for Experimental Physics (H1)



    Gellrich, Andreas


    Find infos about my ambitions as a musician on the web page Vincent Moser Blues Guitar Night.

    Andreas Gellrich