A program to reweight DJANGOH events for modified input parameters.
Since a full event simulation including detector performance is very
time consuming, it is often desirable to describe the effect of
modified physics input to a Monte Carlo by assigning weights to the
events of an already existing event sample. The program HSRWGT is a
tool to calculate these weights for event samples obtained from
to simplify data analyses for cases where a limited list of input
options relevant for the overall description of the cross section has
to be changed.
Author: H. Spiesberger, February 1998.
- The manual of HSRWGT
describes how to use the program and what kind of input
modifications can be treated with it
- The source code is split into two parts:
- hsrwgt_m.f.gz, which contains
the main program and most of the routines, and
- hsrwgt_u.f.gz containing
routines which might be changed by the user as described
in the manual
- Three examples show how the program may be used:
All files are gzipped.
Please report experience, problems, suggestions, bugs to Hubert Spiesberger
Constructed by HS