Scan H1 Events (for H1 members only)

Scan H1 events :

 1. logon to a H1 wgs
 2. copy the H1ED - steering file
     cp ~jmeyer/h1/scan/teach/evdis.macro
 3. h1ed   starts the event display program
 4. 2  to specify screen size
       resize the command screen to see both screens
 5. exec 'evdis    (twice !)
 6. dst   opens a H1 DST file
 7. start scanning
     - read      read the next event
     - sc dtra   show r-z view with tracks
     - m1        a nicely configured overview
     - m2        another nicely configured overview
     - .....     try the hundreds of commands
     - read      next event
     - rc dtra   show r-phi view with tracks
     - pl 2      plot an interesting event
     - ......
     - dataset 1
     -  y        close the dataset
     - wev       opends another file (W event candidates)
     - qq        end the  scanning session
 8. plots are in file like PL12202.PLT
 9. gv  PL12202.PLT   displays the plots
 10.lpr -Ph01cp1 PL12202.PLT   print on color plotter

     Thats it.          

Some filenames (tested on 27/6/01 on h1wgs) :

 A file with the 19 W - candidates : short command wev
  fparm 'OPEN BOSINPUT unit=1 FILE="/shift/dice5/data45/h1/h1/diaconu/WCANDIDATES.19.DS

 A randomly picked DST - file : short command  dst
  fparm 'OPEN BOSINPUT unit=1 FILE="[h1dst.h1]CDST1.C0001962" shift'

 A HOTLINE file :  short command hotdisc
 hotdisc=fparm 'OPEN BOSINPUT unit=1 FILE="/shift/dice5/data108/h1/h1/diaconu/hotscan/&
  or any other number between 100 and 150 

 If you have an eventfile in the directory from which you call h1ed
 you can open the file within h1ed also by the command 
  datasetx 1 9 1 'filename'