A simple HTML document

Author : Joachim Meyer DESY-H1 12/10/99

Get this visible in Netscape by opening the file
The source you find in /afs/desy.de/user/j/jmeyer/www/htmltutor/example.html
Compare what you see on this page with the source code and you should know how it is done.

We just made a horizontal line.
Lets try a few font sizes:

Size h1

Size h2

Size h3

Size h4

Size h5
Size h6

Now we made a line break.

Now we started a new paragraph. Let make a comment in the source (you wouldn't see it here) :

Now we make an unnumbered list

Now we make an ordered list

  1. First item
  2. Second item
Now a list with headers
The first experiment at HERA....
The second experiment at HERA....
or more compact
The first experiment at HERA....
The second experiment at HERA....

this is 'bold' style
this is 'italic' style
this is 'typewriter' style

Now it get interesting : We make LINKS
to the H1 Home page
or a link to a document in the directory where you just are.

Now we make a table :
line1column1 line1column2
line1column1 line2column2

center next lines :

Do you want colors ?

This is bright red
This is not so red
whereas this is bright blue
guess what this is
of course this is white

In case you want to get the text as you typed it, do it like this

                      | ********* |
                   | *************** |
                | ********************* |
             | *************************** |

Have fun with HTML !!! What about THIS

A very short list of basic HTML commands you can print from

At the end something BLINKING.

Last updated on Oct. 12, 1999
Author of this tutorial :  Joachim Meyer