Still in 1994 a second event ELECTRON-1 with an isolated e- was found in the same Charged Current analysis of the e+ p data. This event shows all characteristics expected for W production and decay.
Whereas no more events showed up in the data taking periods of 1995 and 1996, the high luminosity accumulated in 1997 resulted in 4 more events all showing an isolated muon, a hadronic jet and significant overall missing P_T. Event MUON-2 and MUON-4 show both a hadronic jet of very high P_T (> 60 GeV) very unlikely for SM - W - production. On the other hand events MUON-3 and MUON-5 show jet transverse momenta and transverse masses as expected for the W - process. Event MUON-3 is especially interesting since it exhibits an additional e+ which allows to constrain the kinematics resulting in a muon-neutrino mass in perfect agreement with the W mass. First preliminary results were presented at the 1997 EPS conference in Jerusalem. The final results for the 94 - 97 e+ p running (37 pb-1) have been published in 1998.
In 1998 and 1999 Hera collided e- with protons. In this data taking period (14 pb-1) no events with leptons and missing P_T have been observed applying the standard selection. However one interesting event showed up in a period where not yet all tracking chambers were operational. The results have been submitted to the EPS conference 1999 in Tampere.
There have been various attempts to search for interpretations of the 'untypical' H1 events beyond the SM :
This physics topic has been presented in various conference talks and proceedings :