Detector development

Friday, 26. November 2021 12:28

2007 – 2008

Initiator for participation of the DESY group in the CMS CASTOR calorimeter for forward jets and small x physics, participation in CASTOR test beam measurements

1992 – 2007

Shift leader duties in the H1 experiment


Run Coordinator  of the H1 experiment

1988 – 1993

Construction of a wheel of the electro-magnetic lead - LAr calorimeter for H1 including treatment of glueing read-out boards on lead. Final installation of the LAr calorimeter and putting it into operation. Maintenance of the high voltage system of the LAr calorimeter during data taking and on-call expert

1984 – 1987 

Scientific maintenance (electronics, trigger, read-out and calibration) of the liquid argon calorimeter at the CELLO experiment at PETRA, DESY (Hamburg). Development and installation of a calorimeter trigger with very low energy threshold for  detecting “single photon” events with the CELLO detector

1982 – 1983   

Construction and test of a system of multi-wire-proportional  chambers for the EMC experiment.