Virtual panel discussion - Scientific Exchange with Cuba
Press Echo:
Material shown at the Panel discussion
- Cattai-Cuba_DESY.pdf by A. Cattai (CERN)
- Schultz-DESY 2020.pdf by R. Schultz
QuestionsAndAnswers-2020-12-01.pdf during Panel discussion
The scientific exchange and collaboration with Scientists in Cuba is difficult because of the Embargo against Cuba. The Corona pandemic has even more complicated the situation.
The Rector of Havana University, Prof Dr M. Nicado Garcia, and the Chairman of the DESY Board of Directors, Prof Dr H. Dosch, discuss the present situation and possibilities for future collaborations.
Scientists from Cuba, Prof Dr F. Guzman, and young scientists at DESY, Dr S. Consuegra Rodriguez and Dr A. Bermudez Martinez report on their experiences. Dr. A. Cattai (CERN) reports on experience organizing a large scale workshop in Havana.
Dr U. Dorfmueller (DAAD lector, Havana University) and Dr R. Schultz (Consortium for Advanced Studies Abroad, CASA-Cuba) report on scientific exchange between Germany, US and Cuba.
The panel discussion is introduced by a welcome speech of HE R. Ripoll Diaz (Ambassador of Cuba in Germany).
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