of talks and seminars:
- Towards
precision determination of unintegrated gluon densities, ICHEP
2006, Moscow
- Summary
of 2nd HERA and the LHC workshop, DESY seminar 15. June 2006
- Cascade
& Rapgap, talk at HERA - LHC workshop, 6-9 June 2006
- New
fits to uPDFs, talk at HERA -
LHC workshop, 6-9 June 2006
can teach the LHC, DESY Seminar 12. Jan 2006
can teach the LHC Seminar Universidad Autonoma de Madrid,
Departimento de Fisica Teorica, 11. Nov 2005
- ep
interactions at HERA energies and beyond: modeling higher orders and
the problem of NLO, QCD at Cosmic Energies - II, September
26 -
30 (2005), Skopolos,
and the LHC, Seminar Uni. Zurich, 7.Sept. 2005
and the LHC, PRC meeting DESY, 26. May. 2005
- Constraining
the unintegrated gluon,
talk at HERA - LHC workshop, 15-19 Nov 2004
- RapGap
development, talk at
HERA - LHC workshop, 15-19 Nov 2004
- Nonlinear
effects: Intro & questions, talk
at HERA - LHC workshop, 15-19 Nov 2004
- Unintegrated PDFs,
talk at HERA - LHC workshop, 11-13 Oct 2004
results and implications for LHC physics, LHC days in Split
5-8 Oct 2004
- Unintegrated
gluon densities and saturation in HQ production at HERA and LHC,
talk at
HERA - LHC workshop, 1-4 June 2004
- HzTool
Tutorial, talk at HERA
- LHC workshop, 1-4 June 2004
- Flavor
content of inital state cascade, talk
at HERA - LHC workshop, 26-27 March 2004
talk at HERA - LHC
workshop, 26-27 March 2004
- RAPGAP, talk at HERA - LHC workshop, 26-27 March 2004
If you are interested in any of the above topics please contact me.