GeneralBrokenLines V03-01-03
using EIGEN
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NgblNamespace for the general broken lines package
 CBorderedBandMatrix(Symmetric) Bordered Band Matrix
 CGblDataData (block) for independent scalar measurement
 CGblDetectorLayerDetector layer
 CGblHelixPredictionPrediction on helix
 CGblMeasurementMeasurement at point
 CGblPointPoint on trajectory
 CGblSimpleHelixSimple helix
 CGblTrajectoryGBL trajectory
 CMilleBinaryMillepede-II (binary) record
 CVMatrixSimple Matrix based on std::vector<double>
 CVSymMatrixSimple symmetric Matrix based on std::vector<double>
 CVVectorSimple Vector based on std::vector<double>