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Millepede-II V04-17-04
NcompareResults | |
Ngmpcons | XY constants |
Ngmpdata | Histogram data |
Nhmpcons | Histogram constants |
Nhmpdata | Histogram data |
Nlinesrch | Line search data |
Nminresdatamodule | Defines real(kind=dp) and a few constants for use in other modules |
Nminresmodule | MINRES solves symmetric systems Ax = b or min ||Ax - b||_2, where the matrix A may be indefinite and/or singular |
Nminresqlpblasmodule | |
Nminresqlpdatamodule | Defines precision and range in real(kind=dp) and integer(kind=ip) for portability and a few constants for use in other modules |
Nminresqlpmodule | MINRESQLP solves symmetric systems Ax = b or min ||Ax - b||_2, where the matrix A may be indefinite and/or singular |
Nmpbits | Bit field data |
▼Nmpdalc | (De)Allocate vectors and arrays |
Cmpalloc | Allocate array |
Cmpdealloc | Deallocate array |
▼Nmpdef | Definition of constants |
Clistitem | List items from steering file |
Clistitemc | Character list items from steering file |
Clistitemi | Integer list items from steering file |
Nmpmille | The data transmitted by MILLE calls are collected in two arrays, a real array and an integer array, of same length |
Nmpmod | Parameters, variables, dynamic arrays |
Nmpmonpgs | Monitoring data |
Nmpqldec | QL data |
Nmprand | Data for random generator |
Nmptest1 | Parameters and data |
Nmptest2 | Parameters and data |
Nmptext | Keyword position |
NreadMilleBinary | |
Nstmamod | Storage manager data |
▼Ntinypede | |
CMilleRecord | Millepede-II (binary) record |
CPede | Pede |