CJCREC test library for TTF
Detailed Release
The call to CJSWPG is NOT needed/possible
anymore. For cosmics the T0 is the sum of the usual event t0 (CJCC column
2, used for CJKR (tracks from vertex)) and a t0 correction (CJCC column
6, used for CJCS).
Plots of merit:
CJC performance (cosmics '99)
CJC+CST performance repro 2000 pass 2.0 (cosmics '00)
and curvature resolution from pass 2.0 (comparing cosmic track halves,
contained in Z, pt>10 GeV/c)
The upper row compares events where one track has no and the other at
least one CST hits (-> CJC resolution), in the second (third) row both
track must have at least 1 (2) CST hits (difference devided by sqrt(2)
-> CST resolution).
The CJC shows an bias of about 0.3 sigma. This is most probably due
to the fact that the CJC calibration assummed that the electric field in
the chamber is contstant in time, but in reality it varies with the ionization
(-> HERA e-current) in the chamber. This leads to a variation of the radial
(and azimutal ?) drift velocity profile. A coarse radial correction is
in preparation (for pass 2.1).
The CST shows of 0.2-0.6 sigma. This is probably due to a residual rotation
(~0.1mrad) and an vertical displacement (~20mu) vs the CJC.
and curvature resolution with CJC recalibration (mainly radial drift
velocity profile adjusted)
and curvature resolution with CJC and CST recalibration (mainly rotation,
vert. displacement)
Source code (car files): /afs/desy.de/group/h1/h1rec9/cjcrec_ttf_<version>.car
Library: /afs/desy.de/group/h1/h1rec9/lib/libcjcrec_ttf.a
(on Linux, SGI)
CJCLOOK executable: /afs/desy.de/group/h1/look/bin/cjclook_ttf
(Linux only)
(use 'CJCFIG CJCS' for cosmics to visualize residuals)
The CJC calibration constants for 97, 98, 99 and 2000 are in NDB (run number
>=176421). The CJC runvertex (CJVX) has only been updated for medium and
good runs.
For other periods they are still not on NDB but have to be read from
cards file, for the current version use:
* calibration data for CJCREC_TTF, 1996
DBCARD '/h1/h1rec9/csf8_ep96_test5.car'
DBCARD '/h1/h1rec9/csf0_ep99_test4.car'
C.K. 04.09.01