Contents of this Page:
F. Farchioni, C. Gebert, I. Montvay, L. Scorzato,
Lattice QCD with light dynamical quarks,
Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 119:344-349, (2003);
F. Farchioni, C. Gebert, I. Montvay, L. Scorzato,
On the price of light quarks,
I. Montvay,
Numerical simulation with light Wilson quarks,
F. Farchioni, C. Gebert, I. Montvay, E. Scholz, L. Scorzato,
Partially quenched chiral perturbation theory and numerical simulations,
Phys. Lett. B561:102-110, (2003);
F. Farchioni, I. Montvay, E. Scholz, L. Scorzato,
Quark mass dependence of masses and decay constants of the pseudo-Goldstone
bosons in QCD,
Eur. Phys. J. C31:227-238, (2003);
F. Farchioni, C. Gebert, I. Montvay, E. Scholz, L. Scorzato,
Quark mass dependence of pseudoscalar masses and coupling constants,
Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 129:179-181, (2004);
F. Farchioni, I. Montvay, E. Scholz,
Quark mass dependence of pseudoscalar masses and decay constants on a lattice,
Eur. Phys. J. C37:197-204, (2004);
F. Farchioni, I. Montvay, E. Scholz,
Unquenched simulations with Nf=2 light quark flavours,
Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 140:249-251, (2005);
F. Farchioni, R. Frezzotti, K. Jansen, I. Montvay, G.C. Rossi, E. Scholz, A. Shindler,
N. Ukita, C. Urbach, I. Wetzorke,
Twisted mass quarks and the phase structure of lattice QCD,
Eur. Phys. J. C39:421-433, (2005);
F. Farchioni, C. Urbach, R. Frezzotti, K. Jansen, I. Montvay, G.C. Rossi, E. Scholz,
A. Shindler, N. Ukita, I. Wetzorke,
Exploring the phase structure of lattice QCD with twisted mass quarks,
Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 140:240-245, (2005);
F. Farchioni, K. Jansen, I. Montvay, E. Scholz, L. Scorzato, A. Shindler,
N. Ukita, C. Urbach, I. Wetzorke,
The phase structure of lattice QCD with Wilson quarks and renormalization group
improved gluons,
Eur. Phys. J. C42:73-87, (2005);
F. Farchioni, K. Jansen, I. Montvay, E.E. Scholz, L. Scorzato, A. Shindler,
N. Ukita, C. Urbach, U. Wenger, I. Wetzorke,
Lattice spacing dependence of the first order phase transition for dynamical
twisted mass fermions,
Phys. Lett. B624:324-333, (2005);
F. Farchioni, K. Jansen, C. McNeile, C. Michael, I. Montvay, K. Nagai,
M. Papinutto, J. Pickavance, E. Scholz, L. Scorzato, A. Shindler, N. Ukita,
C. Urbach, U. Wenger, I. Wetzorke,
Twisted mass fermions: neutral pion masses from disconnected contributions,
F. Farchioni, P. Hofmann, K. Jansen, I. Montvay, G. Munster, M. Papinutto, E. E. Scholz,
L. Scorzato, A. Shindler, N. Ukita, C. Urbach, U. Wenger, I. Wetzorke,
Dynamical twisted mass fermions,
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Last change on November 9, 2005