Homepage von Jürgen Reuter

1 Physics

1.1 Research Interests

  • Phenomenological elementary particle physics, Quantum field theory, Effective field theories
  • Collider Physics: LHC, ILC, ...
  • (Standard and Non-Standard)Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, Strongly Interacting Ws
  • Physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM): Supersymmetry, Little Higgs models, Extra dimensions, Grand Unification, Noncommutative extensions of the Standard Model, Flavour Physics
  • Event Generator WHIZARD:

    For more details about whizard see the WHIZARD Homepage.

    SUSY Comparison

    Here you can find the standard reference for all SUSY cross sections.

Physics Links, connected to Freiburg

Publications, Articles and Scripts:

These are my publications which can be found within SPIRES: Publications at SPIRES

Other publications:

  • Diploma thesis: Helizitätsamplituden leichter Fermionen bei hohen Energien (Helicity amplitudes of light fermions at high energy), only available in German

Last updated: 2008-06-16 22:45