1 Physics
1.3 Talks/Lectures
Public Lectures/Outreach
- 2017/11: Warum findet
mein Smartphone ohne Einstein seinen Weg nicht?
Wissenswerte Outreach Series, DESY,
Hamburg, Germany
- 2017/11: Warum findet
mein Smartphone ohne Einstein seinen Weg nicht?
Hamburg, Germany & Einstein Year Talk, University
of Applied Sciences HAW
Hamburg, Germany
- 2014/11: Warum findet
mein Smartphone ohne Einstein seinen Weg nicht?
(new version), MINT day Science Cafe, DESY,
Hamburg, Germany
- 2014/06: Warum findet
mein Smartphone ohne Einstein seinen Weg nicht?
(new version), Universum Science Center, Bremen, Germany
- 2013/08: A la
recherche de l'Higgs perdu,
DESY Annual Report, 2013, DESY Hamburg, Germany
- 2012/11: Warum findet
mein Smartphone ohne Einstein seinen Weg nicht?,
DESY Science Cafe, DESY Hamburg, Germany
- 2024.03/2023.03/2019.03:
Monte Carlo Simulations,
Lecture, Introduction to the Terascale, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
- 2020/09:
WHIZARD for e+e- physics,
Tutorial, US Snowmass Community Study, virtual
- 2018/05: Top
Physics as a New Physics Windows,
Lecture, 7th LC School, Frauenchiemsee, Germany
- 2018/05: Simulation
for Lepton Colliders,
Lecture, 7th LC School, Frauenchiemsee, Germany
- 2015/14/13/12/11: Theoretical
Particle Physics and QFT,
DESY Summer Student Lecture, DESY Hamburg, Germany
- 2013/10: Electroweak Physics,
Lecture, 4th LC School, DESY Hamburg, Germany
- 2012/06: Theoretical
Particle Physics and QFT,
Graduate School Lecture,
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Germany
- 2009/04: BSM Physics:
Models and Motivations,
Terascale Monte Carlo School, DESY Hamburg, Germany
- 2009/04: WHIZARD tutorial,
Terascale Monte Carlo School, DESY Hamburg, Germany
- 2007/09+2008/09: Lectures and Tutorial on Supersymmetry, Herbstschule Maria Laach, Germany
Invited Conference Plenary Talks
Challenges for MC generators (for e+e- colliders)
LCWS 2024, University of Tokyo, Japan
Future in Collisions - The need for an e+e- Higgs factory,
DPG Spring Meeting, KIT,
Physics at Muon Colliders - SM and beyond,
Muon Collider Physics Benchmark Workshop, Pittsburgh, USA
Overview over Monte Carlo generators (WG2/WG1),
2nd ECFA Higgs Factory workshop, Paestum, Italy
Di-/Multi-Boson Physics in Run 3 - New Physics Searches &
ATLAS DBL workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (virtual)
Multi-Boson Physics and Polarization - Status and Concepts for
Run 3,
ATLAS SM workshop, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Precision test of the muon-Higgs coupling at a high-energy
muon collider,
SM/BSM workshop, Corfu Summer Institute, Corfu, Greece
Top Physics at Threshold,
FCC-ee France Workshop, Annecy, France
The WHIZARD Generator: Status, Projects and Plans,
ECFA Higgs Factory Study Generator Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Future Colliders - DESY/UHH Theory Activities,
Kick-off meeting German Future Collider Forum, virtual
Vector Boson Scattering at Electron Colliders,
VBScan for Snowmass Virtual Workshop, formally Budapest, Hungary
Review of VBScan Lisbon BSM & VBS Workshop,
VBScan Mid-Term Meeting, Helsinki, Finland
Simplified Models for New Physics in Vector Boson Scattering,
VBScan BSM Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal
The ILC project,
PPC 2019, Cartagena, Colombia
New Physics in Transverse Bosons in VBS,
VBScan Midterm Scientific Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey
The WHIZARD Event Generator for Lepton Colliders,
FCC-ee Week, CERN, Switzerland
Why don't we have the ILC yet? [Overview],
LC Forum, Terascale Workshop 2018, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Transversal Operators and Polarizad Vector Bosons
in VBS,
VBScan Polarization Workshop, LLR Palaiseau, France
New Physics in Vector Boson Scattering at the LHC,
BSM Workshop 2018, Corfu, Greece
EFT Validity and Unitarization,
MBI 2018, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Status of the WHIZARD Generator,
MBI 2018, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
New Physics in Vector Boson Scattering at the LHC,
Rencontres du Vietnam 2018, Quy Nhon, Vietnam
Vector Boson Scattering at Lepton Colliders,
VBScan Annual Meeting 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece
The WHIZARD Event Generator,
MC4BSM 2018, IPPP Durham, Durham, UK
Unitarization in VBS and Tribosons,
VBScan Topical Workshop, Milano-Bicocca, Italy
The fate of Little Higgs Models with LHC Run 2 data,
Particles and Cosmology Workshop,
IAS/Nanyang Technical University, Singapore, Singapore
The WHIZARD Event Generator,
TOOLS 2017, Corfu, Greece
The WHIZARD Event Generator for CLIC physics,
CLIC Physics Workshop, CERN, Switzerland
The WHIZARD Event Generator,
MC4BSM 2017, SLAC, Menlo Park, USA
Physics at the ILC,
Pheno 2017, Pittsburgh, USA
The WHIZARD Event Generator,
Pheno Workshop, IIT Guwahati, India
The WHIZARD Event Generator,
MBI 2016, U. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
MC4BSM 2016, UCAS/IHEP Beijing, China
New Physics/Resonances in Vector Boson Scattering
at the LHC,
International Workshop on New Physics at the LHC,
IAS/Nanyang Technical University, Singapore, Singapore
The event generator WHIZARD for precision physics,
FCC-ee Workshop, CERN, Switzerland
The World Machine LHC: Higgs, Jets, and Beyond,
21st Christmas Workshop, Universidad Autonoma, Madrid, Spain
Physics at High-Energy e+e- colliders,
WHIZARD4CEPC Workshop, CFHEP/IHEP, Beijing, China
The WHIZARD event generator for LC Top Physics,
LC Top Workshop 2015, Valencia, Spain
BSM Physics with WHIZARD,
MC4BSM 2015, Fermilab, USA
BSM Physics with WHIZARD,
2nd International WHIZARD Forum, University of
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
BSM Physics at High-Energy e+e- Colliders,
CLIC 2015, CERN, Switzerland
Effective Field Theories for Multiboson Interactions,
Multiboson Interactions
Workshop MBI 2014, BNL, Upton, N.Y., USA
LCWS 14 - BSM Summary,
LCWS 2014, VINCA Institute, University of
Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Status of the WHIZARD Event Generator,
SiD Meeting 2013, SLAC,
Menlo Park, USA
Status of the WHIZARD Event Generator,
Multi-Boson Interactions MBI 2013, Dresden, Germany
News from the WHIZARD Event Generator,
ILD Workshop, Krakow, Poland
Electroweak Physics at LHC -- TGCs and QGCs,
ATLAS SM Workshop,
Harvard, Cambridge, USA
Prospects for aQGC and EW resonances at LHC14,
Snowmass Energy Frontier Meeting, University of
Washington, Seattle, USA
Monte Carlo Generators for the LHC,
Theory Workshop, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
, MC4BSM 2012,
Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y., USA
Prospects for Higgs and BSM from recent LHC
data, AIDA
meeting, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
2011/11: Physics with
WHIZARD - SM and beyond
, 1st International WHIZARD Forum,
DESY, Hamburg, Germany
2010/04: Status report on WHIZARD
, MC4BSM 2010,
Niels-Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
2009/05: pp -> bbbb
with GOLEM and WHIZARD, Loopfest VIII, Madison, USA
2009/04: Monte Carlo
Event Generators for the LHC, LHC
Theory Workshop, TRIUMF Vancouver, Canada
2007/04: NLO Event Generation for chargino production at the ILC, Loopfest VI, Fermilab, USA
2023/09: Particle
Physics Monte Carlo Event Generators for Present and Future Colliders,
Colloquium, University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA
2012/01: Hints
of Exceptional Grand Unification at the LHC,
Colloquium, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
2011/04: Hints
of Exceptional Grand Unification at the LHC,
Colloquium, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
2010/11: Hints
of Exceptional Grand Unification at the LHC,
Colloquium, University of Hamburg,
Hamburg, Germany
2010/10: Auf
den Spuren "exzeptioneller Grand
Unification" am LHC,
Colloquium, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
2010/04: Auf
den Spuren "exzeptioneller Grand
Unification" am LHC,
Colloquium, University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
2008/01: Channels & Challenges – Neue Physik am LHC, Colloquium, Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany
2007/12: Channels & Challenges – Neue Physik am LHC, Colloquium, University of Göttingen, Germany
2007/07: One Ring to Find Them – Neue Teilchen am LHC, Antrittsvorlesung, Kolloquium, Universität Freiburg, Germany (in German)
2007/03: Channels & Challenges – Neue Physik am LHC, Symposium, TU Dresden, Germany
Conference and Workshop Talks
New Physics in Multi-Boson states at the LHC (and future colliders)
invited talk, Mini Workshop, Iwate University, Morioka, Japan
Heavy Neutral Leptons at e+e- colliders - theory perspective
invited talk, LCWS 2024, University of Tokyo, Japan
The WHIZARD generator: Status, News and Plans
, LCWS 2024, University of Tokyo, Japan
Monte Carlo Generators for FCC-ee
7th FCC Physics Workshop, Annecy, France
Hunting for Heavy Neutral Leptons at Future Lepton Colliders
2nd ECFA Higgs Factory workshop, Paestum, Italy
Monte Carlo generator development
invited talk, IMCC Annual Meeting 2023, IJLab Orsay, France
The WHIZARD generator: Status report, News and Plans
Nordic spells for WHIZARD and PYTHIA
Berggren Fest, DESY Hamburg, Germany
Theoretical Precision Calculations for future e+e-
colliders: status and prospects
ECFA 1st Higgs/EW/Top Factory Workshop
Precision test of the muon-Higgs coupling at a high-energy
muon collider,
ICHEP 2022, Bologna, Italy (JRR virtual)
ECFA 1st Topical Workshop on Generators and Software,
invited talk, IDT WG3 meeting, virtual
Electroweak/Higgs Precision for Future Lepton Colliders,
invited talk, US Snowmass Community Meeting, virtual
Vector Boson Scattering at Electron Colliders,
invited talk, US Snowmass EF04 WG Meeting, virtual
Status of WHIZARD - Release 3.0.0alpha,
invited talk, CLIC Week, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Technical Introduction to the WHIZARD generator, FCC-ee
Software Meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
The WHIZARD Event Generator,
invited talk, 3rd FCC week, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Precision predictions for lepton collider top physics,
invited remote talk, CEPC Workshop, IHEP Beijing, China
LCWS 2019, Tohoku U., Sendai, Japan
Precision predictions for LC Top Physics,
LCWS 2019, Tohoku U., Sendai, Japan
Future Plans for Joint MBI/VBScan Final Meeting,
VBScan Midterm Scientific Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey
New Physics in Vector Boson Scattering at the LHC,
LHCP 2019, Puebla, Mexico
Status of the WHIZARD Event Generator,
invited talk, CEPC Workshop 2019, Oxford, UK
Status of the WHIZARD Event Generator,
invited talk, CLIC Week 2019, CERN, Switzerland
Matching Threshold & Continuum for Exclusive Top Pairs,
invited talk, LCWS 2018, University of Texas, Arlington, USA
The fate of Little Higgs Models with LHC Run 2 data,
ICHEP 2018, Seoul, South Korea
Matching Threshold and Continuum for exclusive
top pairs,
ICHEP 2018, Seoul, South Korea
The role of positron polarization for the initial
250 GeV stage of the ILC,
ICHEP 2018, Seoul, South Korea
Status of the WHIZARD Generator,
Talk at ALCW 2018, Fukuoka, Japan
Matching Threshold & Continuum for Exclusive Top Pairs,
Talk at ALCW 2018, Fukuoka, Japan
Matching Threshold & Continuum for Exclusive Top Pairs,
Invited talk at CLIC Workshop 2018, CERN, Switzerland
Precision Predictions for Top Physics - Threshold
& Continuum,
Invited talk at LCWS 2017, Strasbourg, France
NLO QCD Corrections to Off-shell tt and tth
production at the ILC,
LCWS 2016, Morioka, Japan
(Mostly) Model-Independent Searches for New
Physics in Vector-Boson Scattering,
FCC Week 2016, Crowne Plaza, Rome, Italy
Making extreme computations possible with virtual machines,
ACAT 2016, Universidad Federico Santa Maria,
Valparaiso, Chile
Automation of NLO processes and decays and POWHEG
matching in WHIZARD,
ACAT 2016, Universidad Federico Santa Maria,
Valparaiso, Chile
The X-Files: the BSM ILC case,
Invited talk at LCWS 2015, Whistler, Canada
tt(h) production in e+e- collisions (a theorist view),
Invited talk at LCWS 2015, Whistler, Canada
Top Physics in WHIZARD (+QCD/NLO status),
Invited talk at LCWS 2015, Whistler, Canada
QCD NLO with Powheg matching and Top Threshold
Matching in WHIZARD,
Radcor/Loopfest 2015, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
Status report on the WHIZARD event generator,
ALCW 2015, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
WW scattering at High Energy e+e- Colliders - News from WHIZARD,
CLIC 2015, CERN, Switzerland
WHIZARD Event Generation for LCs,
LCWS 2014, VINCA Institute, University of
Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
High-Energy Vector Boson Scattering after the Higgs Discovery,
LCWS 2014, VINCA Institute, University of
Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Modern Particle Physics Event Generation with WHIZARD,
ACAT 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
Exploration of BSM at the ILC,
Invited Talk at PANIC 2014, Hamburg, Germany
The Monte Carlo Event Generator WHIZARD,
Invited Talk at FCC-ee Meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Status Report of WHIZARD - 2.2.0rc,
Invited Talk at LC Top Workshop, Paris, France
Status Report of WHIZARD - 2.2.0beta,
CLIC Workshop 2014, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Simplified Models for Vector Boson Scattering,
LCWS 2013, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Status of the WHIZARD Event Generator,
LC Forum 2013, DESY, Germany
Status of Little Higgs Models in 2013,
Snowmass Energy Frontier Meeting, University of
Washington, Seattle, USA
Prospects for aQGC and EW resonances at LHC14,
Snowmass Energy Frontier Meeting, University of
Washington, Seattle, USA
Status Report on WHIZARD,
ECFA LC Workshop, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Anomalous Triple/Quartic Gauge Couplings -
Theory Overview,
LHC EWWG Meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Electroweak Studies with WHIZARD,
Snowmass Energy Frontier Workshop, BNL, Upton,
A Fat Gluino in Disguise,
Terascale Alliance Workshop, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
WHIZARD 2.1 - Status Report: SM/QCD/NLO/BSM,
Invited Talk at LCWS 2012, Arlington, Texas, USA
Exceptional Grand Unification in the light of LHC data,
SUSY 2012, Peking University, Beijing, China
2012/02: Status
Report on WHIZARD
, 3rd LC Forum,
DESY, Hamburg, Germany
2011/10: Exceptional
Grand Unification in the light of LHC data
, Brookhaven Forum 2011,
BNL, Upton, N.Y., USA
2011/09: Recent
progress for LC SM/BSM Higgs/EWSB calculations,
ILC/LCWS 2011, Granada, Spain
2010/06: WHIZARD: SM/BSM
Physics for LHC and ILC
, LC Forum,
DESY, Hamburg, Germany
2009/12: Status report on WHIZARD
, HGF MC meeting,
KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
2009/06: The NMSSM
implementation in WHIZARD, SUSY 2009,
Northeastern Univ., Boston, USA
2009/05: LHC phenomenology
of SUSY multi-step GUTs, Pheno 09, Madison, USA
2008/07: Status of the
Event Generator WHIZARD, TOOLS 2008, MPI Munich, Germany
2007/11: Status of the
Event Generator WHIZARD, Monte Carlo
meeting, Bonn, Germany
2007/10: Status of the Event Generator WHIZARD – SUSY simulations at the ILC and radiative corrections, ALCPG/GDE 2007, Fermilab, USA
2007/07: Multi-Particle SUSY Simulations at the LHC and ILC, SUSY 2007, Karlsruhe, Germany
2007/07: Little Higgs Model Discrimination at the LHC and ILC, SUSY 2007, Karlsruhe, Germany
2007/07: Multi-Step SUSY Unification without Doublet-triplet splitting, SUSY 2007, Karlsruhe, Germany
2007/06: Off-Shell and Interference Effects for SUSY Particle Production, ILC/LCWS 2007, DESY Hamburg, Germany
2007/06: Light Pseudoscalars in Little Higgs Models at the ILC, ILC/LCWS 2007, DESY Hamburg, Germany
2007/06: ILC Sensitivity on Generic New Physics in Quartic Gauge Couplings, ILC/LCWS 2007, DESY Hamburg, Germany
2007/04: “No Higgs scenario” in Little Higgs Models at the early stage of the LHC, LHC-ILC workshop 2007, Fermilab, USA
2006/05: LHC Multi-Particle Simulations for the MSSM and beyond, Pheno 2006, Madison, USA
2006/05: LHC Multi-Particle Simulations for the MSSM and beyond, Argonne Collider Workshop, Argonne, USA
2006/03: New Ideas of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking at the LHC, DESY LHC Workshop, DESY Hamburg, Germany
2005/08: Multi-Particle Event Generators for the MSSM, Snowmass ILC/ALCPG Workshop, Snowmass, Colorado, USA
2005/03: Pseudo-Axions in Little Higgs Models, LCWS 2005, Stanford, California, USA
2005/03: Pseudo-Axions in Little Higgs Models, German Physical Society (DPG) meeting, Berlin, Germany
2004/04: Test of the Noncommutative Standard Model at a Future Photon-Collider, LCWS 2004, Paris, France
2004/03: Test of the Noncommutative Standard Model at a Future Photon-Collider, German Physical Society (DPG) meeting, Mainz, Germany
2003/11: Little Higgs and electroweak precision observables, ECFA LC workshop, Montpellier, France
2003/03: Little(st) Higgs in the light of electroweak precision observables, German Physical Society (DPG), Aachen, Germany
Heavy Neutral Leptons at Future Lepton Colliders,
Seminar, U. of Silesia, Katowice/Chorzow, Poland
Multiboson physics for BSM searches at LHC and future colliders,
Seminar, ICEPP, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Heavy Neutral Leptons at Future Lepton Colliders,
Seminar, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
The Muon Shot - Combining energy with precision, Seminar, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Discovery Potential and Precision Physics at a Muon Collider, Seminar, Institute for Nuclear Physics, Krakow, Poland
Searches for New Physics in Multi-Bosons and for Heavy
Neutrinos at a Muon Collider
, Seminar, University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA
Vector Boson Scattering at the LHC: Precision, Polarization &
New Physics Searches
, Seminar, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Precision predictions for Linear Collider Top Physics, IFT
Madrid, Spain
New Physics in Vector Boson Scattering at the LHC,
Seminar, UCL Louvain, Belgium
The fate of Little Higgs Models with LHC Run 2 data,
Seminar, CNRS Grenoble, France
New Physics/Resonances in Vector Boson Scattering
at the LHC,
Seminar, University of Göttingen, Germany
(Mostly) Model-Independent Searches for New Physics
in Vector Boson Scattering,
Seminar, Zewail City, Egypt
Precision Top Physics at Lepton Colliders: A Test
Case for NLO QCD Automation,
Seminar, Humboldt-University Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Confusions in Cascades - Disentangling New
Physics at the LHC,
Seminar, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Physics at e+e- colliders,
Seminar, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
The Event Generator WHIZARD,
Seminar, Peking University, Beijing, China
2015/04: EW
Vector Boson Scattering at the LHC after the Higgs Discovery,
Seminar, University of Tübingen,
Tübingen, Germany
2015/03: Status of
Little Higgs Models in 2015,
Theory seminar, LAPTh, Annecy, France
2015/02: EW
Vector Boson Scattering at the LHC after the Higgs Discovery,
Seminar, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
2014/11: Status of
Little Higgs Models in 2014,
GK seminar, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
Vector Boson Scattering at the ILC (and beyond),
ILC Project Meeting, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
2013/11: Little
Higgs Models - Status in 2013,
Theory Seminar, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
2013/11: The
Monte Carlo Event Generator WHIZARD,
ILC Seminar, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
2013/09: Little
Higgs Models - Status in 2013,
Theory Seminar, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
2013/03: Confusions
in Cascades - Disentangling New Physics in
LHC cascades, IFT Theory Seminar,
Universitad Autonoma
de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
2013/01: Resonances and
Unitarity in Weak Boson Scattering at the
LHC, Theory Seminar, University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria
2012/11: Resonances and
Unitarity in Weak Boson Scattering at the
LHC, Theory Seminar, Brookhaven National
Lab, Upton, NY, USA
2012/06: Resonances and
Unitarity in Weak Boson Scattering at the
LHC, Theory Seminar, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena,
Jena, Germany
2012/06: Little
Higgs – Concepts and
Phenomenology, Theory Seminar,
SINP, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2012/05: Resonances and
Unitarity in Weak Boson Scattering at the
LHC, Seminar, University of Warsaw,
Warsaw, Poland
2012/05: Little
Higgs – Concepts and
Phenomenology, Theory Seminar,
University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
2012/05: Hints
for Exceptional Grand Unification at the LHC,
Theory Seminar,
SLAC, Menlo Park, CA, USA
2012/01: Hints
for Exceptional Grand Unification at the LHC,
Theory Seminar,
TU München, München, Germany
2011/12: Little
Higgs – Concepts and
Phenomenology, GK Seminar,
University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
2011/01: Little
Higgs – Concepts and
Phenomenology, Seminar,
CNRS/Universite de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
Channels, Chases & Challenges - New
Physics at the LHC, Seminar, DESY,
Hamburg, Germany
Hints for Exceptional Unification at the LHC
, Seminar, Max-Planck Institute
Munich, Germany
Channels, Chases, Challenges -- New Physics at the
LHC, Seminar, University of Glasgow, UK
(infamously cancelled due to snowy weather in Heathrow)
Channels, Chases, Challenges -- New Physics at the
LHC, Seminar, School of Physics, Edinburgh, UK
2009/05: Resonances and
Unitarity in Weak Boson Scattering at the
LHC, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA
2009/01: Resonances and
Unitarity in Weak Boson Scattering at the
LHC, Particle Physics Seminar, PSI, Switzerland
2008/10: Resonances and
Unitarity in Weak Boson Scattering at the
LHC, University of Zurich, Zurich,
2008/08: Resonances and
Unitarity in Weak Boson Scattering at the
LHC, Particle Physics Seminar, Carleton
University, Ottawa, Canada
2008/08: Resonances and
Unitarity in Weak Boson Scattering at the
LHC, Particle Physics Seminar, SUNY
Buffalo, New York, USA
2008/05: Lecture on
Supersymmetric GUTs,
University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden
2008/05: Multi-Particle
SUSY simulations at the LHC and ILC,
University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden
2008/01: Anomalous Quartic Gauge Couplings at the LHC and ILC, Particle Physics Seminar, University of Bonn, Germany
2007/12: Little Higgs – Concepts and Phenomenology, Theory Seminar, RWTH Aachen, Germany
2007/03: Unification without doublet-triplet splitting – SUSY Exotics at the LHC, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
2007/03: The WHiZard/O'Mega Event Generator Generator, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
2007/03: The WHiZard/O'Mega Event Generator Generator, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
2007/01: Channels & Challenges – New Physics at the LHC, University of Siegen, Germany
2007/01: Channels & Challenges – New Physics at the LHC, School of Physics, University of Southampton, UK
2006/11: Multi-Step Grand unification – From Model Building to Pheno, Seminar, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
2006/05: Channels & Challenges – Neue Physik am LHC, Seminar, Universität Freiburg, Germany
2006/05: The Big Deal with the Little Higgs [Pheno-Version], IPPP Seminar, Durham, UK
2006/02: New Physics at the LHC and the ILC, PPARC Seminar, Swindon, UK
2005/12: The Big Deal with the Little Higgs, Seminar Max-Planck Institute Munich, Germany
2005/12: (Collider) Phenomenology of the Noncommutative Standard Model (blackboard), Max-Planck Institute Munich, Germany
2005/12: The Big Deal with the Little Higgs, Theoretical Physics Seminar, TU Dresden, Germany
2005/12: The Big Deal with the Little Higgs, Seminar, School of Physics, Edinburgh, UK
2005/11: The Big Deal with the Little Higgs, Theoretical Particle Physics Seminar, University of Würzburg, Germany
2004/11: The Phenomenology of the Noncommutative Standard Model, DESY Theory Seminar, Hamburg, Germany
2003/12: The Low-Energy Structure of Little-Higgs Models, DESY Theory Seminar, Hamburg, Germany
2003/06: The Physics behind GUTs (blackboard), Theory Seminar, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
2003/04: The Phenomenology of Little-Higgs Models (blackboard), Theory Seminar, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
2002/07: Supersymmetry of Scattering Amplitudes and Green Functions in Perturbation Theory Defense for my thesis, TU Darmstadt, Germany
2002/04: The Phenomenology of the MSSM, Seminar at TU Darmstadt, Germany
2002/02: Ward Identities as consistency checks of automatized calculations in supersymmetric field theories, TET seminar, University of Leipzig, Germany
2002/02: Ward Identities as consistency checks of automatized calculations in supersymmetric field theories, Particle Physics Seminar, PSI, Switzerland
2001/06: Supersymmetry Phenomenology, QFT Seminar at TU Darmstadt, Germany
2000/12: Operator product expansion and Deep Inelastic Scattering, Seminar “QFT: Renormalization and Renormalization group” at TU Darmstadt, Germany
1999/09: Helicity amplitudes for light fermions at high energies, Particle Physics School, Monastery Maria Laach, Germany
1999/06: Higgs mechanism and Equivalence theorem, Seminar “QFT: Gauge Theories and Symmetries” at TU Darmstadt, Germany
1998/11: e+e− → µ+µ− in QED and in the SM, Seminar “QFT: Precision tests of the SM, or Radiative corrections on the Z0” at TU Darmstadt, Germany
1998/05: Dimensional regularization, Seminar “QFT: Radiative corrections and renormalization” at TU Darmstadt, Germany
1997/11: Spinor representations of the Lorentz group, Seminar “QFT: Symmetry and Supersymmetry” at TU Darmstadt, Germany
1997/07: Self-trapped excitons - Experimental and Theoretical Methods, Seminar “Excitonic and ionic excitations” at TU Darmstadt, Germany
1997/07: Black holes - Detection and theoretical description, Seminar “Astronomy and Astrophysics” at TU Darmstadt, Germany
All talks not available on the net could be received as copies from me.
Lectures and all that...
Supersymmetry and MSSM:, Standardmodell, Supersymmetrie, Superstrings und danach... (unfinished; only available in German)