Surname: First name: Date of birth: Marital status: Nationality: Permanent address: Phone: Present address: Phone: E-mail address: WWW page: |
Rybnikov Vladimir 13.08.1960 Married Wife: Rybnikova Olga (22.07.1960) Daughters: Ekaterina (30.10.1986), Tatjana (12.06.1989) Russian Klara Zetkin Str, 25-2-126, 125130 Moscow, Russia. (095)154-88-27 DESY, HERA-B/F15, Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany. (040) 8998-4846 |
Technical summary:
September 1, 1997 - August 31, 1999 as a Scientific Associate at
HERA-B experiment.
August,1993 - August 31, 1997 an associated member of the ZEUS CDAQ group (DESY, Hamburg).
September 1, 2001 - present, Scientific Stuff at DESY
A member of the HERA-B Data AcQuisition (DAQ) group (DESY, Hamburg):
("DAQ Online Software and the Run Control System in
the HERA-B Experiment",
Computing in High Energy Physics, CHEP'98,
Chicago, IL, USA, August 31- September 4, 1998).
("The Hera-B Slow and Run Control System",
International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental
Physics Control Systems, ICALEPCS'99,
Trieste, Italy, October 4 - 8, 1999).
("A FDDI Based Processor Farm for the ZEUS Third Level Trigger",
The 2nd International Data Acquisition Workshop (DAQ96) on Networked Data
Acquisition systems, Osaka, Japan, 13-15 Nov, 1996).
(ZEUS Note 95-152 21/11/95).
(ZEUS Note 96-094 25/09/96)
(ZEUS Note 97-025 21/04/97)
First user experience of this interface at ZEUS.Important issues were
maximum throughput from VME memory to data Archive.
Testing throughput of concurrent network and VME bus data
(ZEUS Note 95-081 01/07/95) ,
(ZEUS Note 95-102 15/08/95)
The design of the TCP/IP based server for MS Access data base
(Windows NT, TCP/IP).
The design of the slow control client for
obtaining the component information from the Slow Control data base.
International Center on Informatics and Electronics, Moscow, Russia.
Senior Hardware Designer, 1985 - 1990:
Computer Research Center of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.