Statistical and numerical Methods


Statistical formulas (64 pages) ps-file

The Maximum-Likelihood Method (41 pages) ps-file


Least Squares - Facts and Fiction (99/11/15)": psfile psfile/2

Comments on chisquare minimiation: Talk at PHYSTAT2003, Stanford Ca., September 2003

Dealing with systematics for chi-square and for log likelihood goodness of fit; Banff workshop July 15 - July 20, 2006, Banff, Canada pdf-file

Likelihood fits: Advanced algorithms and tools; Terrascale alliance, Miniworkshop on Statistical Tools, DESY, 19,th June 2008 pdf-file


Course on data analysis; Heidelberg, April 2001
part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 part6 part7 part8 part9

Academic training lectures on data analysis; DESY Zeuthen, May 2001
day1.1 day1.2 day2.1 day2.2 day2.3 day3.1 day3.2

Three lectures on data analysis; DESY Hamburg, June 2001.
part1 part2 part3

Statistical and numerical methods of data analysis; Lectures, University Hamburg SS 2002.
lecture1 lecture2 lecture3 lecture4 lecture5 lecture6 lecture7 lecture8a lecture8b lecture10 lecture11 lecture14

Statistical data analysis in high energy physics, lectures in Sasbachwalden, University Karlsruhe, 9 - 11 October 2002
lecture1 lecture2 lecture3 lecture4 lecture5 lecture6 lecture7 lecture8a lecture8b lecture10 lecture11 lecture14

Block Vorlesung Statistical and numerical methods in High Energy Physics, , Karlsruhe Universität, 14 - 18 März 2005
lecture on errors lecture on least squares lecture on alignment lecture on the maximum likelihood method lecture on minimization lecture on data fitting lecture on unfolding lecture statistical classification lecture on data smoothing


Statistik im Alltag - wie der Zufall spielt? Ringvorlesung Fachbereich Physik 19. November 2002