- Selected talks:
- Software packages:
Plenary talks at major conferences
Other talks
- The HERA TPOL [FCC EPOL Workshop] (September 2022)
- The HERA polarimeters - a review [Workshop on beam polarisation and polarimetry at the EIC] (July 2020)
- HERA collider physics - introduction [Workshop on EW and BSM physics at the EIC] (May 2020)
- Unfolding: the collider experience [phystat-nu conference] (Jan 2019)
- Exclusive Protoproduction of ρ, ρ' at HERA [6th Workshop on QCD and Diffraction / varioius faces of QCD, Cracow] (Nov 2018)
- Charm and Beauty at HERA [QCD@LHC 2018, Dresden] (August 2018)
- Exclusive Photoproduction of 2π+2π- at HERA [DIS2018, Kobe] (April 2018)
- HERA proton structure measurements [JPos17, Jefferson Lab] (12.9.2017)
- Charm and Beauty at HERA [EPSHEP 2017, Venice] (July 2017), proceedings
- PDF and αs measurements at HERA [XII Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Thessaloniki] (Sept 2016), proceedings
- H1 analysis and the EIC [DIS2016 satellite meeting, Hamburg] (10.4.2016)
- Measurement of Dijet Production in Diffractive Deep-Inelastic ep scattering at HERA [DIS2015, Dallas] (April 2015), proceedings
- Diffractive Dijet Production with a leading proton in ep Collisions HERA [DIS2015, Dallas] (April 2015), proceedings
- Luminosity from QED Compton [DIS2012, Bonn] (27.3.2012), proceedings
- The H1 collaboration at DESY [Seminar for Summer students, Hamburg] (24.8.2011)
- Recent HERA results on Leptoquarks and other SUSY related Signatures [SUSY08, Seoul] (17.6.2008),
- Suche nach neuer Physik am HERA Beschleuniger [DPG2006, Dortmund] (28.3.2006)
- Search for Leptoquarks and Lepton Flavor Violation at HERA [HEP2005, Lisboa] (21.7.2005),
- High Q^2 Charged and Neutral Current Cross
Sections at HERA I and HERA II [ICHEP2004, Bejing] (16.8.2004),
- Lepton beam polarization for the
collider experiments H1 and ZEUS [Invited talk, December 2003, MPI
Munich] (9.12.2003)
- H1 status and prospects [PRC open
session, DESY Hamburg] (30.10.2003)
- Contact interaction analyzes at HERA [DIS2002, Krakow] (May 2002)
- Tests of perturbative QCD at HERA [Frontiers
in contemp. physics II, Vanderbilt Univ. Nashville] (March
- The POL2000 group: status report [PRC
open session, DESY Hamburg] (19.10.2000)
- Upgrade des transversalen polarimeters bei
HERA [DPG 2000, Dresden] (20.3.2000)
- Gluon splitting to bb(bar) and cc(bar)
in hadronic Z0 decays: experiments results [EPS-HEP 1999, Tampere]
(July 1999), proceedings
- Itroduction to Data Unfolding [GRK2044 annual meeting, Freiburg] (Sep 2022),
- Unfolding methods in HEP [XII Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Thessaloniki] (Sept 2016), proceedings
- Unfolding in High Energy Physics [Terascale statistics school 2014, Hamburg] (1.4.2014), exercises
- Limits in High Energy Physics [Terascale statistics school 2013, Hamburg] (20.3.2013), exercises
- Limit setting in High Energy Physics [Terascale statistics school 2012, Hamburg] (3.4.2012)
- Limits in HEP experiments for pedestrians [SFB 676 meeting, Hamburg] (23.2.2012)
- Review: setting Limits in HEP experiments [ATLAS D meeting, Göttingen] (21.9.2011)
- Tutorial/Lecture on Limits [Terascale statistics school, Mainz] (5.4.2011), supplementary material
PRC closed session and HERA funding agencies
HERA meetings
Polarimeter meetings and other meetings