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SUBROUTINE QIGPAR - Find the incoming partons in the strings of (outgoing) partons

In this subroutine, one of the $n_g+1$ gluons in the $n_f$ $[\,q \ldots \overline{q}\,]$ strings of partons participating in the instanton subprocess, set up in the subroutine QIGPAR, is randomly chosen and marked as incoming. Furthermore, the anti-parton corresponding to the virtual quark $q^\prime$ is found in above strings and marked as incoming.

Example: Suppose we have the following instanton-induced subprocess,

g+s\Rightarrow 3\,g's + d + \overline{d} + u + \overline{u} +
s \, .
\end{displaymath} (1)

Then the subroutines QIGLST and QIGPAR might produce the following strings,
\begin{displaymath}[\,d\; {\bf g}\;\overline{\bf u}\,]\hspace{5ex}
...line{\bf s}\,]
[\,s\;g\;{\bf\overline{d}}\,]\, ,
\end{displaymath} (2)

where the boldface entries denote the partons marked as incoming.

The idea above is realized in the subroutine QIGPAR as follows:

The routine searches for the entries (JLP,ILP) of the array of (outgoing) partons corresponding to (the particle data group identities of) the incoming parton $q^\prime$ and incoming on-shell gluon $g$. These data are stored and the entries are marked as incoming (see Table 1). In detail:

Table 1: Variables (re-)set in QIGPAR.
Name Description
QIPINC(1,1) JLP of quark/antiquark in array
  of (outgoing) partons corresponding to
  incoming virtual quark/antiquark $q^\prime$
QIPINC(1,2) ILP of quark/antiquark in array
  of (outgoing) partons corresponding to
  incoming virtual $q^\prime$
QIPINC(2,1) JLP of gluon in array
  of (outgoing) partons corresponding to
  incoming on-shell gluon $g$
QIPINC(2,2) ILP of gluon in array
  of (outgoing) partons corresponding to
  incoming on-shell gluon $g$
QIPINF(QIPINC(IPART,1),QIPINC(IPART,2)) Mark entry as incoming

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A. Ringwald and F. Schrempp
