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SUBROUTINE QIHPAR - Generate identity of current quark $q^{\prime\prime}$ and virtual quark $q^\prime$

In this routine the HERWIG [1] identities of the current quark $q^{\prime\prime}$ as well as of the virtual quark $q^\prime$ are generated. This proceeds as follows:

See Table 1 for a list of variables set in QIHPAR.

Table 1: Variables set in QIHPAR.
Name Description
QINFAM Number of (generated) quark-antiquark pairs, $n_f$
EQ2SUM Sum over fractional charge squared of all $n_f$ quarks, $\sum\limits_{q=d,u,\ldots}e_q^2$
QIPINT(1) HERWIG identity (IDHW) of current quark $q^{\prime\prime}$
QIPINT(2) HERWIG identity (IDHW) of virtual quark $q^\prime$
QICQM2 Mass squared of current quark

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A. Ringwald and F. Schrempp
