This website was set up by Federico Carta, Jakob Moritz and Alexander Westphal, to host the full database of Z2 actions on complete intersections Calabi-Yau manifolds (CICYs), which descend from ambient space involutions, and whose fixed locus supports orientifold 7-planes and 3-planes.
The original paper, explaining how the database was constructed, is
available on ArXiv:2003.04902 (hep-th).
The same paper explains how to read the database files downloadable below.
orientifold database for favourable CICYs
orientifold database for non-favourable CICYs
list of the configuration matrices of the fixed divisors for orientifolds of favourable CICYs
candidate orientifolds for thraxions (
Mathematica notebook with the commented code to generate the orientifolds of all favourable CICYs
An improved database for CICY orientifold models supporting thraxions, which can be easily used for phenomenological applications can be found at this link.
For further details on this, we refer to the paper on ArXiv:2110.02963 (hep-th).