05.11.2021 / 10:00 - 16:00 / Hamburg, via zoom


PIER Start-up Workshop "Business Plan"

PIER is pleased to announce its next PIER Start-Up Workshop “Business Plan” for early stage researchers (PhD students and Postdocs), taking place remotely (via Zoom) on 5 November 2021. In this workshop, PhD students and postdocs will get an overview of the business plan and learn how they can transfer their own business ideas, Business Model Canvas or research results into this more classical framework. The workshop offers a mix of theoretical input as well as creative and practical group exercises, which encourage the participants to think and act like entrepreneurs when drafting their business plans. The workshop will be moderated by Andreas Voss (Concis Group! & People & Friends). Registration is open until 1 November 2021. As the number of participants is limited, early registration is strongly recommended. Members of DESY and Universität Hamburg will be given preference.

Mehr Informationen: https://indico.desy.de/event/30097/