05.05.2023 / 10:00 - 14:00 / Other, via zoom


PIER Startup Bootcamp II: Founding a startup in Germany/EU as a non-EU citizen

Andreas Voss (PIER - Partnership for Innovation, Education and Research)

PIER is pleased to announce its next PIER Start-Up Workshop "Founding a startup in Germany/EU as a non-EU citizen" for early-stage researchers (PhD students and Postdocs), taking place on 05 May 2023 via Zoom. In this workshop, we show non-EU graduates and scientists how they can start a business or become self-employed in Germany and the EU. The focus will be on the requirements for founding teams, the level of innovation of the project and the legal framework/formalities of the founding process. Besides providing an overview of the legal basics of founding a business start-up, we also explore which legal forms are the most suitable for young start-ups, how the founding process formally works and what aspects have to be considered, e.g. in terms of timelines, business strategies and applicable regulations. We also touch upon taxes, duties and fees you will incur and how founding teams can protect themselves for the "worst case". The workshop is a mix of theory and practice and enables the participants to clarify their project-related questions with regards to potential legal issues of their projects. No previous experience in this area is required for participation. 

Mehr Informationen: https://indico.desy.de/event/37757/