13.05.2024 / 13:15 / Zeuthen, 1.207 (IRIS) | Berlin Adlershof

Lattice Seminar

Two-pole structure of the A(405) : A Lattice QCD study of the coupled-channel (2/9)

Bárbara Cid-Mora (University of Darmstadt)

This talk presents the results of the first coupled-channel meson-baryon calculation from lattice QCD in the region. The relevant methods to compute correlation functions and extract finite-volume energy spectra are presented, as well as the method to study scattering amplitudes. This study was carried out using a single ensemble with pion mass MeV and kaon mass MeV, and included additional sets of multi-hadron operators. Once the stationary-state energy levels were reliably extracted, the Lüscher formalism was employed to study scattering amplitudes. The final results are consistent with the two-pole picture, where every parametrization of the two-channel -matrix exhibits two poles in the complex energy plane. The location of these poles corresponds to a virtual bound state below the threshold and a resonance pole below the KN.

Mehr Informationen: https://indico.desy.de/category/873/