DESY Summer Student Program 2006 : Lectures at Hamburg

Common Lectures for all Summer Students (Place : SEM4, Bld 1B) :

Time Mon, 24.7.2006 Tue, 25.7.2006 Wed, 26.7.2006 Thu, 27.7.2006 Fri, 28.7.2006
9:00 - 12:30
. . 10:00
Welcome Session
J. Meyer
Introduction to Accelerators I
W. Decking

Free Electron Laser
P. Schmueser
9:00- 10:30
Introduction to Accelerators II
H. Mais
Time Mon, 31.7.2006 Tue, 1.8.2006 Wed, 2.8.2006 Thu, 3.8.2006 Fri, 4.8.2006
9:00 - 12:30
Superconductivity at Accelerators
Part a and Part b

P. Schmueser
Research with Sychrotron Radiation
E. Weckert

e+ e- Linear Collider

14:00 - 17:30
Elementary Particle Physics Research
A. Geiser
Research at DESY ppt
A. Wagner

Lectures for Summer Students in HEP, Accelerators and Computing (Place : SEM 2, Bld 2A) :

Lectures on Fridays are common for all summer students and take place in SEM4, Bld 1B
Time Mon, 7.8.2006 Tue, 8.8.2006 Wed, 9.8.2006 Thu, 10.8.2006 Fri, 11.8.2006
9:00 - 12:30
Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics
part 1
J. Meyer
Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics
part 2
J. Meyer
Detectors in Elementary Particle Physics
Parts 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
C. Niebuhr
Simulation in HEP Processes
H. Jung
SEM4, Bld 1B
Solid State Detectors
R. Klanner
Time Mon, 14.8.2006 Tue, 15.8.2006 Wed, 16.8.2006 Thu, 17.8.2006 Fri, 18.8.2006
9:00 - 12:30
Theory of Elementary Particles
all parts
B. Schrempp
Theory of Elementary Particles
all parts
B. Schrempp
9:00 Theory of Elementary Particles
all parts
B. Schrempp


10:30 Computing in HEP
F. Gaede
SEM4, Bld 1B
Astro Particle Physics
A. Lindner
Time Mon, 21.8.2006 Tue, 22.8.2006 Wed, 23.8.2006 Thu, 24.8.2006 Fri, 25.8.2006
9:00 - 12:30
Physics at e+ e- Colliders ppt
9:00 Physics at e+ e- Colliders

11:00 Physics at HERA Part 1
T. Haas
Physics at HERA Part 2
T. Haas
Physics at HERMES
M. Dueren
SEM4, Bld 1B
Neutrino Physics
C. Hagner
Time Mon, 28.8.2006 Tue, 29.8.2006 Wed, 30.8.2006 Thu, 31.8.2006 Fri, 1.9.2006
9:00 - 12:30
Physics at p p Colliders
J. Mnich

SEM4, Bld 1B
Life Science Applications with Synchrotron Radiation
M. Wilmanns

Lectures for Summer Students in Synchrotron Radiation Research see here