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Highest Austrian doctoral degree for Clemens Raab
Clemens Gunter Raab from the theory group in Zeuthen completed his doctoral studies with distinction in 2012 in the frame of the graduate school “Computational Mathematics” at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation ofJohannes Kepler University Linz (Austria). On 13 September 2013, he was awarded with the doctoral degree “Promotio sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae” by the President of the Republic of Austria for his achievements. In Austria, doctoral candidates receive this acknowledgement not only for excellent performance in all his university studies but also in the last years at high school.
In his thesis “Definite Integration in Differential Fields” he investigated and developed computer algebra algorithms for the symbolic evaluation of integrals as well as for the symbolic solution of ordinary differential equations. These algorithms are now utilised within perturbative precision calculations for high-energy processes at DESY.
In addition Clemens Raab also receives the honorary prize of the Austrian Ministry for Science and Research, including 2500 euros.