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08.12.2021 / 14:30 - 15:30 / Hamburg, via zoom
Theory ColloquiumTopological phases of matter +
Thore Posske (I. Inst. Theoretische Physik.)
This WPC "blackboard seminar" will first feature an elemental introduction into the theory of topological phenomena in single-particle physics, relevant for band-insulators, BCS superconductors, topological photonic systems, and many more. Secondly, topological physical effects have been promoted as being stable, ubiquitous, and especially interesting for quantum computation and quantum memories. Yet, these promises have barely been justified so far. We will take 'Majorana zero modes' as a recent example for understanding the mismatch of expectations in different areas of physics and discuss drawbacks as well as proceedings towards their experimental realization and application.
More Information: https://indico.desy.de/event/32465/