18.04.2023 / 11:00 - 12:00 / Zeuthen, Hybridmeeting in Villa | SR5

ZDSS – Zeuthen Data Science Seminar

The AMPEL software

Jakob Nordin | HU Berlin

AMPEL is a framework for streaming data analysis, written in Python, and with a focus on time-domain astronomy. It enables users to build analyses out of hierarchies of single-purpose units and coordinates the execution of these units on a stream of data. AMPEL can execute multiple independent analyses at once, de-duplicating calculations requested by multiple users and recording the provenance of derived data. Analyses are described in a static, YAML-based configuration language, and can be developed and tested locally before being transferred to a cluster for large-scale execution. While it was originally created at HU and DESY to filter, augment, and react to ZTF alerts, it is also being used as the basis for DESY’s LSST broker. Here we present the motivation for AMPEL and some example applications, along with some of the tools we found useful while building it.

More Information: https://indico.desy.de/category/713/