27.04.2023 / 15:00 - 19:00 / Hamburg, DESY Campus Hamburg, Building 99 (CFEL)


GORE 2023

After the successful GORE 2022 and the great reception we are happy to announce that we are going into the third round of the GORE! This time the event will take place in Hamburg at the CFEL@DESY from the 25.04. - 30.04. There will be a 7 vs 7 SPL (Standard Platform League) competition, as well as participation of Humanoid League teams in the event. To allow for as many SPL teams as possible to participate, we will also once again allow teams to participate in a remote fashion. Meaning that the team’s software will be applied to the robots at the venue, but the human members stay at home.

More Information: https://gore-event.github.io/