20.09.2023 / 19:00 / Hamburg, Hörsaal / Auditorium

Vortrag / Lecture

On a photo safari in the quantum cosmos

Dr. Markus Ilchen, Prof. Christian Schwanenberger (DESY)

Many properties of our macroscopic world have their origin in the movements of building blocks in the nanocosmos. With the X-ray lasers at DESY in Bahrenfeld and the European XFEL in Schenefeld, it has recently become possible not only to film the movements of atoms, but now also to marvel at the dance of electrons. These small and very fast components of atoms are omnipresent in the roots of matter and its dynamics. This is precisely why one of the exciting challenges of science is to catch snapshots of them at work, to understand them better and thereby explore useful applications for our society. A wealth of brand new knowledge awaits; a twist of scientific history as this year we mark the 100th anniversary of the discovery of one of nature's most fundamental electronic processes, the Auger-Meitner effect. We embark on an adventure through the history of the observation of ultrafast electron dynamics at DESY. The new possibilities for deciphering them are at the limits of what is currently possible and only just hint at the significance this will have for all of us.

More Information: https://www.desy.de/aktuelles/oeffentliche_abendvortraege/hamburg/index_ger.html