19.06.2024 / 14:00 / Hamburg, Campus Bahrenfeld (Albert-Einstein-Ring 8-10)


Scientists – The Secret Heroes of the Startup World

Julia Holze, Dr. Serghei Glinca (DASHH - Data Science in Hamburg | Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter)

Many myths surround the characteristics and abilities of successful startup founders. But what is actually true? And if these myths are not accurate, what are the real qualities of founders? In her keynote, Julia Holze (https://www.cosmic.gold/). explains why in particular scientists possess unique qualifications to thrive in the entrepreneurial world and why we need more “sciencepreneurs” to create a long-lasting value for society and the planet. CrystalsFirst founder Dr. Serghei Glinca (https://www.linkedin.com/in/glinca/). will share insights into successfully transferring ideas into practice and answer questions about building a successful business. Details about our speakers can be found on the announcement poster (Poster).

You can join the on-site event on Campus Bahrenfeld or the online Zoom session after registering here: https://indico.desy.de/e/dashh_itt_2024_1

More Information: https://syncandshare.desy.de/index.php/s/kjH5ERWXtT3gFd3