A workshop on the implications of HERA for LHC physics
CERN - DESY Workshop 2004/2005
Proceedings in one file (pdf, ps)
Preface (H.Jung, A. De Roeck)
Plenary Presentations:
F. Schrempp:
M. Wing:
Heavy quark production at HERA and the LHC
J. Ellis:
Working group reports:
M. Dittmar, S. Forte, A. Glazov, S. Moch, S. Alekhin, G. Altarelli, J. Andersen, R.D. Ball, J. Blümlein, H. Böttcher, T. Carli, M. Ciafaloni, D. Colferai, A. Cooper-Sarkar, G. Corcella, L. Del Debbio, G. Dissertori, J. Feltesse, A. Guffanti, C. Gwenlan, J. Huston, G. Ingelman, M. Klein, J.I. Latorre, T. Lastovicka, G. Lastovicka Medin, L. Magnea, A. Piccione, J. Pumplin, V. Ravindran, B. Reisert, J. Rojo, A. Sabio Vera, G.P. Salam, F. Siegert, A. Sta\'sto, H. Stenzel, C. Targett-Adams, R.S. Thorne, A. Tricoli, J.A.M. Vermaseren,A. Vogt
Introduction to Parton Density Functions
A. Cooper-Sarkar, M. Dittmar, G. Dissertori, C. Gwenlan, H. Stenzel, A. Tricoli
LHC final states and their potential experimental and theoretical accuracies
T. Carli, A. Cooper-Sarkar, J. Feltesse, A. Glazov, C. Gwenlan, M. Klein, T. Lastovicka, G. Lastovicka-Medin, S. Moch,B. Reisert, G. Salam, F. Siegert
Experimental determination of Parton Distributions
S.I. Alekhin, J. Blümlein, H. Böttcher, L. Del Debbio, S. Forte, A. Glazov, A. Guffanti, J. Huston, G. Ingelman, J.I. Latorre, S. Moch, A. Piccione, J. Pumplin, V. Ravindran, J. Rojo G.P. Salam, R.S. Thorne, J.A.M. Vermaseren, A .Vogt
DGLAP evolution and parton fits
G. Altarelli, J. Andersen, R.D. Ball, M. Ciafaloni, D. Colferai, G. Corcella, S. Forte, L. Magnea, A. Sabio Vera, G.P. Salam, A. Stasto
Multi-Jet final states and energy flows
C.Buttar, J. Butterworth, V. Khoze, L. Lönnblad, N.Tuning:
C.M.Buttar, J.M.Butterworth, R.D.Field, C.Group, G.Gustafson,S.Höche, F.Krauss, A.Moraes, M.H.Seymour, A.Schalicke, P.Szczypka, T.Sjöstrand
J. Turnau, L. Lönnblad
Forward Jets and Multiple Interactions
E. Gotsman, E. Levin, U. Maor, E. Naftali, A. Prygarin
Survival Probability of Large Rapidity Gaps
Z. Czyczula, G. Davatz, A. Nikitenko, E. Richter-Was, E. Rodrigues, N. Tuning
Multi-Jet Production and Multi-Scale QCD
J. Collins, M. Diehl, H. Jung, L. Lönnblad, M. Lublinsky, T. Teubner
Unintegrated parton density functions
A. Banfi, G. Corcella, M. Dasgupta, Y. Delenda, G.P. Salam, G. Zanderighi
S. Höche, F. Krauss, N. Lavesson, L. Lönnblad, M. Mangano, A. Sch\"alicke, S. Schumann
Matching Parton Showers and Matrix Elements
S. Jadach, M. Skrzypek
Constrained non-Markovian Monte Carlo modeling of the evolution equation in QCD
B.F.L. Ward, S.A. Yost.
QED x QCD Exponentiation and Shower/ME Matching at the LHC
P. Golonka, Z. Was
PHOTOS as a pocket parton shower: flexibility tests for the algorithm
Heavy Quarks (charm and beauty)
O. Behnke, M Cacciari, M. Corradi, A. Dainese, A. Geiser, A. Meyer, M. Smizanska, U. Uwer, C. Weiser
Introduction to { Heavy Quarks (charm and beauty)
M. Cacciari, E. Laenen, S.P. Baranov, S. Diglio, T.O. Eynck, H. Jung, B.A. Kniehl, S. Kretzer, A.V. Lipatov, F. Maltoni, F. Petrucci, O.I. Piskounova, I. Schienbein, J. Smith, A. Tonazzo, M. Verducci, N.P. Zotov
Theoretical review of various approaches in heavy quarkproduction
O. Behnke, A. Geiser, A. Meyer
Experimental overview of heavy quark measurements at HERA
J. Baines, A. Dainese, Th. Lagouri, A. Morsch, R. Ranieri, H. Ruiz, M. Smizanska, C. Weiser
Experimental aspects of heavy flavour production at the LHC
A. Dainese, K.J. Eskola, H. Jung, V.J. Kolhinen, K. Kutak, A.D. Martin, L. Motyka, K. Peters, M.G. Ryskin, R. Vogt
Small-x effects in heavy quark production
J. Bracinik, M. Cacciari, M. Corradi, G. Grindhammer
O. Behnke, M. Cacciari, M. Corradi, A. Dainese, H. Jung, E. Laenen, I. Schienbein, H. Spiesberger
Benchmark cross sections for heavy-flavour production
Arneodo, J. Bartels, A. Bruni, B.E. Cox, M. Diehl, J. Forshaw, M. Grothe, H. Kowalski, R. Orava, K. Piotrzkowski, P. Van Mechelen
M. Arneodo, M. Diehl
B. Cox and M. Grothe (eds.):
Diffractive Higgs Production: Experiment
J. Kalliopuska, J.W. Lämsä, T. Mäki, N. Marola, R. Orava, K. Österberg, M. Ottela, S. Tapprogge
TOTEM forward measurements: exclusive central diffraction
V. Avati, K. Österberg
TOTEM forward measurements: leading proton acceptance
M. Arneodo, V. Avati, R. Croft, F. Ferro, M. Grothe, C. Hogg, F. Oljemark, K. Österberg, M. Ruspa
Diffractive Higgs: CMS/TOTEM Level-1 Trigger Studies
V. Andreev, A. Bunyatyan, H. Jung, M. Kapishin, L. Lytkin
Proposal to upgrade the very forward region at CMS
J. Forshaw:
Diffractive Higgs Production: Theory
M. Boonekamp, C. Hogg, J. Monk, A. Pilkington, M. Tasevsky
Diffractive Higgs: Monte Carlo generators for central exclusive diffraction
M. Arneodo and P. Van Mechelen (eds.):
Diffractive Structure Functions and Diffractive PDFs
P. Newman, F-P. Schilling
HERA Diffractive Structure Function Data and Parton Distributions
M. Groys, A. Levy, A. Proskuryakov
Diffractive parton distributions from the HERA data
G. Watt, A.D. Martin, M.G. Ryskin
Diffractive parton distributions
F-P Schilling:
DPDF: A Library for Diffractive Parton Distribution
P. Newman:
Prospects for FLD Measurements at HERA-II
A. Bruni, M. Klasen, G. Kramer and S. Schätzel
Diffractive dijet production at HERA
G. Watt, A.D. Martin, M.G. Ryskin
Effect of absorptive corrections on inclusive parton distributions
J. Bartels:
Multiple Scattering at HERA and at LHC - Remarks on the AGK Rules
H Kowalski:
R. Venugopalan:
From HERA to LHC though the Color Glass Condensate
N. Amapane, M. Arneodo, R. Bellan, S. Bolognesi, G. Cerminara, C. Mariotti
Additional articles in web version:
K Piotrzkowski. (only web version):
Electroweak gaps (not yet available)
Roberto Sacchi (only web version):
The Leading Proton Spectrometer of ZEUS
P. van Esch et al (only web version):
The H1 Forward Proton Spectrometer
E. Gotsman et al (only web version):
Saturation effects at LHC energies
M. Lublinsky (only web version)
From ep to pp: high energy evolution with pomeron loops
V.A. Khoze et al (only web version)
Diffractive Higgs boson production: A brief guide to the main Durham results
K. Goulianos (only web version)
V. Lendermann, A. Nikitenko, E. Richter-Was, P. Robbe, M.H. Seymour
Introduction to Monte Carlo Tools
M.R. Whalley, D. Bourilkov, R.C. Group
The Les Houches Accord PDFs (LHAPDF) and LHAGLUE
L. Lönnblad:
ThePEG: Toolkit for High Energy Physics Event Generation
T. Sjöstrand:
M.H. Seymour
S. Gieseke
T. Gleisberg, S. Höche, F. Krauss, A. Schälicke, S. Schumann, J. Winter
L. Lönnblad:
B. Kersevan, E. Richter-Was:
H. Jung:
H. Jung:
G. Bruni, G. Iacobucci, L. Rinaldi, M. Ruspa
K. Rabbertz, Th. Schorner-Sadenius
NLOLIB - A Common Interface for Fixed-Order Calculations
J.M. Butterworth, H. Jung, V. Lendermann, BM. Waugh
A. Buckley, J.M. Butterworth, S. Butterworth, L. Lönnblad,W.J. Stirling, M. Whalley, B.M. Waugh
S. Chekanov:
S. Chekanov:
A C++ framework for automatic search and identification of resonances
last change: 23. Dec.2005 H.Jung