Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
HGF Project VH-NG-401
Physics of gluons and heavy quarks from HERA to the LHC

Physics of gluons and heavy quarks from HERA to the LHC: 2008-2013

The Helmholtz Young Investigator Group has successully accomplished its mission on 30 April 2013.

The research project of a HGF Young Investigator Group was based at DESY and Universities of Hamburg and Mainz

Group leader:

    Dr. Katerina Lipka - DESY

Host Scientist:

         Prof. Dr. Rolf Heuer / Prof. Dr. Joachim Mnich - DESY

University partners:

         Prof. Dr. Robert Klanner - University of Hamburg
         Prof. Dr. Hubert Spiesberger - University of Mainz
         PD Dr. Karin Daum - University of Wuppertal

Project time scale:

         01/05/08 - 30/04/13

Project number:

The main objectives of the project were:
  • Precision measurement of the charm contribution to the proton structure function
  • Global QCD analysis

  • Phenomenology of heavy quark production in deep inelastic scattering
  • Top quark mass measurement

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